Private Rehomes 

In addition to adoptions carried out by our adoption agency partners, some greyhound trainers find forever homes for their own dogs and that is awesome as they have valuable knowledge of their greyhound and its family history. Private rehomes are carefully managed by GRNZ and there are very strict requirements that must be met before an adoption can be approved. 

The Private Rehome Process


Guide to Making a Happy Match

When an owner or trainer is deciding if a greyhound will be compatible and happy to live with a new owner, it is important that they take a few different things into consideration to make the best possible match. GRNZ has produced a handy guide and a couple of questionnaires that will help you match a greyhound with the right new owner and vice versa.

Private Rehome Matching Guide
This step by step guide aims to help trainers successfully match a greyhound with the right family.

New Owner Questionnaire
Getting to know the people looking to adopt a greyhound will guide your decision on whether your greyhound is a suitable match for their home or not. This questionnaire is designed to find out about the environment the greyhound will be adopted into and what the new owner’s expectations of owning a greyhound are.

Greyhound Trainer Questionnaire
Trainers know their greyhounds – what makes them happy and what they are capable of socially and behaviour-wise. This questionnaire will highlight a greyhound’s preferences with people and other animals, as well as their level of training so you are able to assess their suitability for a potential owner.

Helpful New Publication for Novice Greyhound Owners

GRNZ has published a short guide to help new owners navigate their way through welcoming a greyhound into their home. Packed with information to help make this special time of adjustment easier for everyone, some of the topics covered include:

 - what to prepare for your greyhound's arrival
 - suitable food and treats
 - what exercise and enrichment do greyhound's need
 - how to set your greyhound up for success.

A useful feature of the guide is the My Greyhound page, where your greyhound's essential information, such as their microchip number, can be recorded and kept in one handy place.

Download your copy of the GRNZ Guide for New Owners now.

Greyhound Events

There is a very active and social retired greyhound community in New Zealand which holds events and gatherings across the country. Proud greyhound owners meet up for communal walks and to share stories of their four-legged friends throughout the year.

For the latest greyhound adoption events please click here or visit the GRNZ Facebook page.