Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON FRIDAY 25 Nov 2011

Weather: Cloudy
Track: Good
Scales: Checked and correct
Health and Safety comment: Nil

Judicial report:

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 Allied Work Force 0800 Labour C1 - C1 - 305 ANOTHER STREET checked off the heels of GINA MAC on the first corner and went back to the rear and she never recovered finishing in 2nd last place.
Race 2 Guthrie Bowron C2 - C2 - 305 DESIRE shifted out from the start and checked INIGO JONES and BELFAST NODDIE who both lost ground. CAWBOURNE TINA shifted out going to the first corner and jostled with DESIRE for several strides and they both lost three lengths. DESIRE was carried back from the catching area following the race, was examined by the Vet and stood down for 28 days with a fractured toe.
Race 3 Harrison Hire Master C1 - C1 - 520 RONAN MACHALL shifted in from the start and checked NEW DESIRE who lost two lengths. NEW DESIRE was handy enough going down the back straight but then began to drift and finished several lengths last. NEW DESIRE was examined by the Vet as a precaution and found to have suffered from cramp in both shoulders with no stand down required.
Race 4 Morrie Gibbons Signs C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 LITTLE BLACKSPOT shifted out soon after the start and checked AERIAL BAXTER and he continued to shift out going to the first corner and again caused checks to itself and AERIAL BAXTER and BOUND BY PRIDE with AERIAL BAXTER and LITTLE BLACKSPOT being the most affected and they went back to the rear and never recovered.
Race 5 Palamountains Nutrition C2/3 - C2/3 - 305 OPAWA MEGASTAR shifted in from the start and caused checks to HOMEBUSH DUSTY, HOMEBUSH BRUCE and GROOVY SHANE who all lost ground. The winner OPAWA MEGASTAR appeared to suffer an injury at the lure and was carried back, examined by the Vet and stood down for 42 days with a carpal bone injury. OPAWA MEGASTAR was nominated for swabbing but this was cancelled due to the seriousness of the injury.
Race 6 Peter Sinclair Photos C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 TAILS OFF shifted in from the start and checked SHODSIE and LOTTO PROFIT who both lost ground. SHODSIE was again checked losing three lengths on the first bend when CHAINSAW PETE shifted in. CHAINSAW PETE was examined by the Vet and stood down for 7 days with a toenail injury
Race 7 Media Works C2/3 - C2/3 - 305 SHARI JEWEL was handy in 2nd place going to the first corner but shifted out slightly making contact with ANOTHER MOVE and she went back to last and never recovered.
Race 8 Keenan Concrete C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 BIG EFFORT began awkwardly losing ground and settled at the rear. KAZZ RAZZ shifted in from the start and collided with MAGIC LASS and both dogs lost ground and settled back in the field. BASILIO BALE and BUDDY BROKE collided going to the first corner and BASILIO BALE shifted out slightly soon after making contact with EMMAS HEART who went into the corner at an awkward angle and suffered an injury. She then drifted off the back of the field and finished several lengths behind the 2nd last dog, was examined by the Vet and stood down for 42 days with a gracilus muscle injury.
Race 9 Wanganui Security C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 BIG GIFT shifted in on the first corner forcing CIAO FOR NOW in onto SCOTT NO FUNDING who lost ground. CALLAHAN was following those runners and checked off heels, shifting out onto BILLY WHIZ and these two dogs lost several lengths and finished at the rear.
Race 10 Gary Ross Decorator C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 MAGICATE shifted in on the first corner and tightened FIRE HAWK and IMA SPICE who was following was checked, struck the rail and dropped back onto RONS SECRET who was severely checked losing several lengths. IMA SPICE recovered from the incident and finished in 2nd place. He was examined by the Vet as a precaution and cleared of injury. FIRE HAWK and MAGICATE collided on the bend with both losing ground and FIRE HAWK then collided with MOLLY DARLING in the home straight and they both lost ground. FIRE HAWK suffered an injury, was carried back and examined by the Vet and euthanased due to a fractured foreleg.
Race 11 Mickey's Super Liquor C4 - C4 - 305 SEDGEBROOK ELITE was slow to begin losing four lengths. KEACHYS MATE shifted out and CAWBOURNE MO shifted in at the start and GO CRASH racing between was checked and lost ground. KEACHYS MATE shifted away from the rail on the first corner and GO CRASH was again checked and he stayed back to finish in 2nd last place. MIRAGE ROYALE was handy going into the bend but lost its footing behind losing several lengths and she finished in last place and was classed as falling..
Race 12 GEON Wellington C4 - C4 - 305 RENNERS GIFT and SEDGEBROOK LEE were slow to begin losing four lengths and they stayed back throughout to finish in the last two places. GROOVY BANDIT shifted in on the first corner and checked ANOTHER DRIZZLE and THRILLING PIPPI who both lost four lengths and all chance of a first four placing.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 2 Guthrie Bowron C2 - C2 - 305 Desire Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 25 Nov 2011 to 22 Dec 2011

Race 3 Harrison Hire Master C1 - C1 - 520 Hi Jean Rule HISTORICAL - 64.15 from 23 Nov 2011 to 20 Nov 2011

Catch A Pennie Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 24 Nov 2011 to 28 Nov 2011

Race 4 Morrie Gibbons Signs C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 Palomine Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 24 Nov 2011 to 28 Nov 2011

Race 5 Palamountains Nutrition C2/3 - C2/3 - 305 Opawa Megastar Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 25 Nov 2011 to 05 Jan 2012

Kerry's Delight Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 24 Nov 2011 to 14 Dec 2011

Race 6 Peter Sinclair Photos C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 Eff Five Warning Rule HISTORICAL - 64.11 from 23 Nov 2011 to 20 Dec 2011

Chainsaw Pete Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 25 Nov 2011 to 01 Dec 2011

Race 8 Keenan Concrete C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 Mirage Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 23 Nov 2011 to 27 Nov 2011

Emma's Heart Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 25 Nov 2011 to 05 Jan 2012

Race 9 Wanganui Security C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 Jennings Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 24 Nov 2011 to 30 Nov 2011

Theodore West Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 24 Nov 2011 to 30 Nov 2011

Race 10 Gary Ross Decorator C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 Fire Hawk Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 25 Nov 2011 to 25 Nov 2011


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 4 Morrie Gibbons Signs C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 Botany Angela Swab No: Post race

Race 5 Palamountains Nutrition C2/3 - C2/3 - 305 Upahut Crystal Swab No: Post race

Race 6 Peter Sinclair Photos C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 Dyna Groll Swab No: Post race

Race 7 Media Works C2/3 - C2/3 - 305 Queen Mother Swab No: Post race

Race 8 Keenan Concrete C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 Louie Machall Swab No: Post race

Race 11 Mickey's Super Liquor C4 - C4 - 305 Royal Pardon Swab No: Post race

Magic You Swab No: Pre race

G.Whiterod and W.Robinson

Stipendiary Stewards