Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON FRIDAY 29 Dec 2017

Weather: Fine
Track: Good Track was well presented and maintained throughout the meeting. All other equipment operated well.
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report:

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 ABSOLUTELY ELECTRICAL C2 - C2 - 305 HOMEBUSH BAILEY ( 3 ) - dwelt at the start slow away, hampered in to the first bend losing ground. BIGTIME GEORGE ( 5 ) - fav dwelt at the jump was last away ,held up for some strides entering the bend battled on in the run to the line. CAWBOURNE HINT ( 6 ) - angled across hampering runner on his inner racing in to the bend.
Race 2 LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C2 - C2 - 305 BRILLIANT JAYLA ( 2 ) - checked in to bend when pushed inwards losing momentum and ground. NOT SHACKLEY ( 3 ) - caught heels when angling in and lost ground racing in to the bend. MARY BLUE BLOOD ( 4 ) - jumped midfield, checked wide across heels in to the bend raced wide there after finishing well back was referred to the vet and was found to have pain in the left pectoral muscle a 7 day stand down was recommended. ANOTHER FLAG ( 5 ) - hampered for some strides when pushed outwards in the run to the bend. OPAWA BUCKS ( 8 ) - forced to race wide when attempting to improve in to and around the bend.
Race 3 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C1/2 - C1/2 - 520 CHARKIE BO BO ( 1 ) - checked and went back off heels racing to the 1st bend ,soon after checked losing ground and position , ran wide in to back straight made ground late in the run to the line. CAWBOURNE RIDGE ( 2 ) - angled across checking inside runner in the run in to the first bend. BIGTIME WELLDONE ( 4 ) - checked in to first bend losing momentum coming back off heels. BIGTIME MONTY ( 5 ) - dwelt at the start checked at this point settled back ran on to heels and checked in to the 1st bend losing ground unable to improve there after. METEOR VEGE ( 7 ) - PATTY BOY ( 8 ) - raced towards the rear only battled referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
Race 4 WANGANUI CHRONICLE C2 - C2 - 305 STOLE ME CAR ( 2 ) - angled inwards tightening and jostling runner on her inner then was checked back on to this runner when forced inwards and lost momentum and ground back to the rear racing in to the bend, checked off heels nearing the home turn losing ground was unable to improve there after. WHO'S JOHN GALT ( 3 ) - fav- awkwardly away by 3 lengths , improved along the inner and was jostled and tightened for a few strides ,recovered well to finish on in the run to the line. CULVIE DEN ( 6 ) - came back off heels when wide and improving racing on to the top bend. MAKING IT UP ( 7 ) - held up for a few strides racing in to the bend.
Race 5 FIRST SECURITY C5 - C5 - 305 BIGTIME STU ( 4 ) - checked at the start . BIGTIME JANE ( 5 ) - went back from between runners soon after the start, came together with runner on her inner for a couple of strides racing in to the bend.
Race 6 LASER PLUMBING WANGANUI C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 LUNCH SPECIAL ( 5 ) - ducked in across heels soon after the start ,improved in to the body of the field and was checked when running in to the hind of CAWBOURNE TODDY having to check outwards across the hind of JINJA LOREN , LUNCH SPECIAL lost ground and was unable to get back in to contention. BIGTIME MICHELLE ( 7 ) - forced to check out over heels racing around the first bend and having to cover extra ground was unable to get back in to contention.
Race 7 ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS WANGANUI C2 - C2 - 305 LIGHTNING LU ( 1 ) - led to near the home turn shifted ground outwards as KING'S CALL angled inwards with both runners coming together on the home turn for a couple of strides. JINJA COLL ( 3 ) - jostled and checked losing momentum racing in to the bend. KING'S CALL ( 4 ) - settled midfield, improved to vie for the lead nearing the home turn and came together jostling and bumping with LIGHNING LU for a couple of strides on the home turn . The Stewards reviewed the available footage of the run towards the home turn where KING'S CALL appeared to have turned his head inwards towards LIGHTNING LU however the film was not clear enough to be conclusive at this area of the track. BAD MOVIES ( 5 ) - tightened and jostled losing a few lengths racing in to the bend. TAMMY'S FIRE ( 6 ) - checked and held up when running in to the hind of JINJA COLL racing in to the bend
Race 8 THE ROCK 95.2FM C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 CAWBOURNE STEEL ( 2 ) - checked in to first bend . BIGTIME BRUCIE ( 3 ) - fav - slow away checked in to first bend , hampered for some strides in the run in to the back straight when well back battled there after. EYE KNO ( 6 ) - angled across checking runner on his inner racing in to the first bend.
Race 9 J P PRINT PETONE C4 - C4 - 305 HOMEBUSH ROCKY ( 1 ) - tightened and checked collided with the rail and fell racing in to the bend , quickly recovered to his paws to finish on to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have pain over the off hind gracilis muscle area a 5 day stand down was recommended. BIGTIME TREV ( 4 ) - angled across going back off heels racing in to the bend. CHEAP SHOT MATTY ( 5 ) - severely tightened and checked back off heels from between runners racing in to the bend. POLLY THE DOLLY ( 6 ) - only fairly away settled back ,angled inwards across heels making contact with runner on her inner racing in to the bend . FRISKY GAMBLER ( 7 ) - tightened and checked back racing in to the bend, recovered to make good ground. BIGTIME BASHER ( 8 ) - tightened several runners on his inner for some strides when angling across racing in to the bend.
Race 10 HATRICK STAKES C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 ME JANE ( 2 ) - was tightened and jostled between runners racing in to the first bend ,moved out over heels making contact with runner on her outer for stride or so. BIGTIME FLYER ( 3 ) - jostled and tightened racing in to the first bend ,soon after was forced to angle out across heels making contact with runner on his outer. HE CAN YODEL ( 4 ) - tightened and jostled when tightened between runners soon after the start, was held up behind runners for a few more strides in the run to the first bend. QUISTIS BALE ( 5 ) - jostled from behind for a couple of strides soon after the start. BIGTIME MIA ( 6 ) - tightened severely and jostled between runners soon after the start being shunted back to the rear in the run in to the first bend. BIGTIME JASON ( 7 ) -angled across from the jump tightening runners on his inner for a couple of strides, was bumped stumbling for a stride when widest in the run around the first bend. SPARE SOME TIME ( 8 ) - bumped with runner on his inner in the run around the first bend.
Race 11 WANGANUI TOYOTA C3 - C3 - 305 UNO AGAIN ( 1 ) - was tightened inwards making hard contact with the rail racing in to the bend and lost all chance finishing towards the rear at the line nad was referred to the Vet and was found to have a wound to the near side hock a 5 day stand down was recommended. KIRKHAM JASPER ( 2 ) - checked abruptly out off heels being widest on the home turn. SPELLING MISTAKE ( 3 ) - was forced across on to the inside runner racing in to the bend and was checked losing all chance and finished in the rear at the line was referred to the Vet and was found to have a strained flexor carpi ulnaris tendon above stopper bone near fore a 28 day stand down was recommended. CAWBOURNE KAZ ( 4 ) - angled across sharply tightening in on to runners on her inner racing in to the bend was also checked lost momentum and ground. MIKACHU ( 6 ) - angled across catching heels and stumbled losing momentum racing in to the bend, recovered well to finish on.
Race 12 FAREWELL LIZ WHELAN C3 - C3 - 305 RAPPER TILLY ( 1 ) - severely tightened and checked in to the bend , soon after in the run around the bend was severely tightened and checked again recovered well to run for 4th placing at the line and was referred to the Vet and was found to have pain in the right hind quadriceps a 5 day stand down was recommended. ZOIE WILLOW ( 2 ) - tightened in to bend recovered quickly to angle outwards checking runner on her outer wide. ELECTRIC DANDY ( 3 ) - led in to bend was soon after checked wide losing was unable to make ground there after. WAIT FOR US ( 4 ) - last away angled across on to RAPPER TILLEY checking this runner and herself racing in to the bend. FEEL THE FORCE ( 5 ) - led out in the early stages ,was galloped on from behind when tightened and almost dragged down in the run in to the bend, FEEL THE FORCE became unbalanced losing all chance finishing a distance last at the line was referred to the vet and was found to have pain & lameness to the near hind hock joint a 42 day stand down was recommended. VIVA LA VIXEN ( 6 ) - forced to race widest in to and around the bend, after covering a fair amount of extra ground finished strongly in the run to the line. OPAWA BLAIR ( 7 ) - checked in to bend as a runner came back on to her losing all chance. LET'S GO SPRITE ( 8 ) - attempted to angle across jostling with runners on his inner for some strides.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 2 LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C2 - C2 - 305 Mary Blue Blood Rule HISTORICAL - 56.1 from 29 Dec 2017 to 04 Jan 2018

Race 3 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C1/2 - C1/2 - 520 Bigtime OnFire Rule HISTORICAL - 40.11 from 27 Dec 2017 to 23 Jan 2018

Race 4 WANGANUI CHRONICLE C2 - C2 - 305 Bigtime Danger Rule HISTORICAL - 40.11 from 27 Dec 2017 to 23 Jan 2018

Race 5 FIRST SECURITY C5 - C5 - 305 Bigtime Thinker Rule HISTORICAL - 40.11 from 27 Dec 2017 to 23 Jan 2018

Race 9 J P PRINT PETONE C4 - C4 - 305 Homebush Rocky Rule HISTORICAL - 56.1 from 29 Dec 2017 to 02 Jan 2018

Race 11 WANGANUI TOYOTA C3 - C3 - 305 Uno Again Rule HISTORICAL - 56.1 from 29 Dec 2017 to 02 Jan 2018

Spelling Misteak Rule HISTORICAL - 56.1 from 29 Dec 2017 to 25 Jan 2018

Race 12 FAREWELL LIZ WHELAN C3 - C3 - 305 Feel The Force Rule HISTORICAL - 56.1 from 29 Dec 2017 to 08 Feb 2018


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 ABSOLUTELY ELECTRICAL C2 - C2 - 305 Kalisi Swab No: Post race

Race 2 LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C2 - C2 - 305 Bigtime Narelle Swab No: Post race

Race 3 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C1/2 - C1/2 - 520 Cawbourne Foxy Swab No: Post race- random

Race 6 LASER PLUMBING WANGANUI C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 No Time Toulouse Swab No: Post race

Race 7 ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS WANGANUI C2 - C2 - 305 King's Call Swab No: Post race

Race 8 THE ROCK 95.2FM C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 Bigtime Phantom Swab No: Post race

M Austin B Bateup Vet M Jansen

Stipendiary Stewards