Stipendiary Stewards Report

Christchurch Greyhound Racing Club

Addington Raceway ON SUNDAY 28 Jul 2019

Weather: Fine
Track: Good
Scales: Correct at checked weights
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: 1). LORD LOUIE (M Fuller) - completed a satisfactory trial as required (in blinkers) and is now permitted to be nominated to race and wear this item of gear.~~

2). JOE BONANZA (J McInerney) - was a late scratching at kenneling.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 The Fitz Sports Bar Stakes - C1 - 520 HOMEBUSH MAYCEE (1) - lost ground when placed in restricted room entering the first bend.
BALDRICK (2) - jostled entering the final straight.
TRAJAN (3) - boxed first. Bumped with outside runner early stages.
BOYKA (4) - hampered early stages. Checked off heels rounding the final bend.
MIGHTY MUSCLE (5) - bumped from the inside early stages. Jostled entering the final straight.
Race 2 Spectator's Bar & Bistro Stakes - C2 - 520 ESTER (1) - began awkwardly.
DREAM KAY (3) - bumped with outside runner early stages.
OPAWA NAT (4) - bumped with inside runner early stages. Contacted from behind shortly afterwards.
GOLDSTAR CHIEF (5) - checked inwards off heels in the run to the first bend. Again checked off heels first turn.
MIDNIGHT MAGGIE (8) - slow early.
Race 3 Shirley Vet Clinic Sprint - C3 - 295 COSMIC RUBEN (2) - hind quarters contacted early stages.
GOLDSTAR GALAXIE (3) - slow to jump making contact with the hind quarters of the runner to its inside.
HOMEBUSH HUNDY (4) - squeezed for racing room early stages. Lost momentum when awkwardly placed on heels entering the bend.
YI FENG (6) - checked outwards off heels exiting the bend colliding with outside greyhound.
BROKEN PENNILESS (8) - contacted and turned from the inside exiting the bend.
Race 4 RITA Stakes Enhancement Fund Dash - C4 - 295 CHANYAKA (5) - brushed with outside runner early stages.
FOREHAND RAID (6) - brushed with inside runner early stages before being bumped from the outside. Squeezed for racing room entering the bend losing ground.
GOLDSTAR MAJOR (7) - bumped with inside runner early stages.
Race 5 I Pave Concrete Stakes - C2/3 - 520 DYNA ELLIOT (1) - checked from the inside exiting the final bend losing ground.
DYNA MONTY (2) - bumped down the track early stages.
KNOW CONCLUSION (3) - squeezed for racing room early stages.
KNOW THREAT (4) - squeezed for racing room early stages. Checked outwards off heels prior to the first bend.
SMASH REBEL (5) - came inwards at the start and hampered inside runners being turned outwards as a consequence.
KNOW DENYING (7) - slow early. Bumped with outside runner exiting the final bend.
KNOW EQUAL (8) - boxed first. Slow early.
Race 6 Fox & Ferret @ The Palms Dash - C3 - 295 KIWI GUNN (2) - hampered early losing ground.
KNOW LOGIC (3) - hampered early losing ground.
HOMEBUSH TESAN (6) - checked from behind rounding the bend losing ground.
FERAL KAIAKA (7) - slow early.
MITCHAM READO (8) - slow early. Checked rounding the bend losing momentum.
PUNCH ON JESSIE (9/5) - boxed first. Checked when placed awkwardly on heels rounding the bend losing ground as a consequence.
Race 7 Christchurch Casino Stakes - C4 - 520 JOE BONANZA (J McInerney) was a late scratching at kenneling when found to have lost a nail.
KNOW PUDDING (5) - squeezed for room entering the back straight.
Race 8 Kaisa Earthworks Ph 0272073323 Dash - C4 - 295 HILTON HANGOVER (2) - placed in tight quarters entering the bend checking outwards off heels and shifting up the track.
KNOW CAUSE (6) - slow away before being placed in restricted room losing ground.
DAHTESTE (7) - forced to race wide rounding the bend.
Race 9 RE-ENERGISE Dash - C5 - 295 BECK ELEVEN (2) - bumped from the outside prior to the bend.
JINJA ELLIE (3) - awkwardly placed on heels rounding the bend
KETCHIKAN KIM (4) - jostled with outside runner before being squeezed for racing room losing ground.
GOLDSTAR TROOPER (5) - jostled with outside runner before being squeezed for racing room losing ground. Again squeezed for racing room rounding the bend losing momentum.
BUDDY BOOM (7) - bumped with inside runner prior to the bend. raced wide rounding the bend.
REIGN OF FIRE (10/8) - boxed first.
Race 10 KidsCan Amazing Chase Feature - INV - 520 EMGRAND PARK (2) - bumped down the track in the run to the first bend.
DIDDILEE (3) - jostled with outside greyhound in the run to the first bend. placed in restricted room entering the bend and lost momentum. Came together with inside greyhound in the run to the finish.
SAILOR ALLEN (6) - jostled with inside greyhound in the run to the first bend. Checked from behind first bend.
NO KISSY MISSY (7) - placed in restricted room entering the bend and fell to the track. referred tot he Veterinarian and cleared of injury.
START THE SHOW (8) - awkwardly placed to the outside of runners entering the first bend and lost ground. Came together with outside greyhound in the run tot he finish.
Race 11 My Bro Fabio Distance Feature - C2d - 732 PERFECT RESULT (4) - awkwardly placed on heels rounding the final bend.
GALWAY GAL (8) - weakened back straight.
Race 12 2019 Amazing Chase - C5 - 520 No photo finishes available.
SHE'S FOR US (1) - Heat 1 vs DYNA DAVE (2) - Time 29.91
DYNA DAVE (2) - Heat 1 vs SHE'S FOR US (1) - Time 29.70
PINNY MACK (3) - Heat 2 vs ISAVANA (4) - Time 29.79
ISAVANA (4) - Heat 2 vs PINNY MACK (3) - slow to leave boxes. Time 30.22
ROBSON (5) - Heat 3 vs JINJA MIGHT (6) - lost momentum when awkwardly placed on heels entering the final bend. Time 30.06
JINJA MIGHT (6) - Heat 3 vs ROBSON (5) - Time 30.16
ALOTTA TALK (7) - Heat 4 vs NATURE'S GENT (8) - boxed first. Time 30.22
NATURE'S GENT (8) - Heat 4 vs ALOTTA TALK (7) - checked outwards off heels entering the first bend losing momentum. Time 30.15


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 6 Fox & Ferret @ The Palms Dash - C3 - 295 Homebush Rehaina Rule 40.13 from 26 Jul 2019 to 01 Aug 2019

Race 7 Christchurch Casino Stakes - C4 - 520 Joe Bonanza Rule 44.20 from 28 Jul 2019 to 06 Aug 2019

Race 9 RE-ENERGISE Dash - C5 - 295 Man Of Letters Rule 40.13 from 26 Jul 2019 to 15 Aug 2019

Race 10 KidsCan Amazing Chase Feature - INV - 520 Triple What Rule 40.13 from 27 Jul 2019 to 09 Aug 2019


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 The Fitz Sports Bar Stakes - C1 - 520 Miss Nina Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Race 2 Spectator's Bar & Bistro Stakes - C2 - 520 Sefton Joy Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 3 Shirley Vet Clinic Sprint - C3 - 295 Smash Grenade Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 4 RITA Stakes Enhancement Fund Dash - C4 - 295 Chanyaka Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 5 I Pave Concrete Stakes - C2/3 - 520 Dyna Monty Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 6 Fox & Ferret @ The Palms Dash - C3 - 295 Golden Bay Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 7 Christchurch Casino Stakes - C4 - 520 Go Glow Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 9 RE-ENERGISE Dash - C5 - 295 Sheza Rippa Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 10 KidsCan Amazing Chase Feature - INV - 520 Emgrand Park Swab No: Post Race - Urine

Race 11 My Bro Fabio Distance Feature - C2d - 732 Opawa Hilary Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Race 12 2019 Amazing Chase - C5 - 520 Pinny Mack Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Robson Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Jinja Might Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Alotta Talk Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Nature's Gent Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

She's For Us Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Dyna Dave Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Isavana Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

S.Wallis,R Quirk & D Wadley VET: Dr L Roberts

Stipendiary Stewards