Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON FRIDAY 13 Dec 2019

Weather: Fine
Track: Good Track was presented in a good racing condition being well maintained throughout. All other equipment operated well.
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment: Nil

Judicial report: Supplementary: 1) 6 December 2019: Kennel representative A Trass advised that FEDERAL IMPACT had subsequently been treated and was progressing well. 2) 6 December 2019: Kennel representative P Freeman advised that DIDDILEE had blood samples taken earlier this week which showed a blood disorder which could have been attributed to this Greyhound's seemingly disappointing performance last week.

1- JETLAG JAG vetted on Wednesday after racing and found to be all clear was re- presented today after concerns regarding the dogs fitness and was found to have left gracilis muscle pain and has some discomfort in the right hock area this does not alter the satisfactory trial stand down imposed by the Stewards on the day.
2- Race 1 was abandoned per rule ( 52.6 ) after BIG TIME TRAE was checked and fell racing in to the first turn he recovered to his paws and went to follow the field then turned around and ran back towards the field which was travelling along the back straight towards the far bend.
There were a number of people on the track at the top of the home straight attempting to stop and catch this dog, which they did however the lure driver needed to make a decision due to the circumstances and pulled the lure up.
All dogs were vetted on returning to the kennel block and were all cleared except the fallen runner which needed to be vetted later.
This report as posted is provisional and may be subject to further review and amendment posted 10.35pm 13-12-2019

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C1/C2 - C1/2 - 520 This race was abandoned ( refer Judicial )
BIG TIME TRAE (8) - checked and fell racing in to the first turn recovered to his paws and ran the opposite direction towards the on-coming field was referred to the vet and was found to have mild pain right triangle muscle and gracilis area.
Race 2 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C4 - C4 - 305 SEDGEBROOK LOVER (1) - began awkwardly for a stride hampered when forced to avoid heels in to the bend
MILLIE PRINCE (2) - attempted to angle outwards from the start coming together with runners to his outer and was forced back inwards and went sideways for a stride or so racing in to the bend.
BIG TIME NASH (4) - last in to stride ran out over heels to race extremely wide in to and around he bend caught heels on the home turn when well back.
HOT CHILLI (5) - dictated across and jostled for some strides then tightened and was forced back from between runners towards the rear racing in to the bend.
GO ASH (6) - soon after the start was dictated inwards and then checked back coming together and tightening in on to runners to his inner for several strides racing in to the bend.
BIG TIME CHANCE (7) - fav- raced across soon after the start causing tightening and checks to several runners to his inner in the run to the bend.
Race 3 J Udy & D Cottam Racing Kennels, Te Kauwhata C1/C2 - C1/2 - 520 COSSIE COOPER (1) - racing to the first turn was jostled and tightened inwards coming back of heels losing ground was unable to get back in to contention.
SKINNY BINNY (2) - hampered in the run to the first turn when pushed and jostled inwards contacting runner to her inner was checked and lost several lengths settled midfield made some ground in the latter stages.
MEANDERING (3) - fav- went up with the lids then attempted to angle outward and came together with runner angling inwards soon after the start.
HERE'S HEMI (4) - soon after the start was severely tightened and checked then was further hampered when jostled for some strides racing in to the first turn.
OPAWA TAI (5) - ran inwards from the jump contacting runner to his inner was then dictated inwards and jostled with MEANDERING when dictated across losing momentum checked out over heels in to the first turn was unable to get in to contention thereafter.
Race 4 Allegro Gun At Stud C4 - C4 - 305 BIGTIME BANJO (4) - angled outwards in to the bend coming together with and jostling BIGTIME CHARLOTE for some strides as they raced in to the bend
HOMEBUSH RIEKO (5) - awkwardly placed and unbalanced rolling inwards tightening and contacting runner to his inner in to the bend soon after was galloped on from behind losing momentum becoming unbalanced for some strides losing ground finishing in the rear at the line was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
BIGTIME CHARLOTE (7) - hampered for some strides in the run to and in to the bend when forced to stay wide being jostled and losing ground.
BIGTIME BRONX (9/3) - went up with the lids was then bumped changed ground inwards and checked in to the bend making contact with the rail losing momentum and ground ran on to heels and checked again on the top bend was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
Race 5 Thrilling Boris At Stud C3 - C3 - 520 BIGTIME ACACIA (2) - hampered when tightened in to the bend losing some ground soon after was able to improve along the inner making good ground to the line.
BIG TIME MAY (6) - only fairly away hampered for a couple in to the first turn ran widest in to the back straight losing ground effort told when weakening out to finish a margin in the rear at the line was referred to the vet and was found to have pain in the left deltoid muscle.
THRILLING MASSEY (7) - fav only fairly away forced to race wide then ran widest around the first turn losing ground and was unable to get in to contention there after.
Race 6 Wanganui Toyota C5 - C5 - 305 BIG TIME FROSTY (1) - improving along the inner on the home turn when contacting hindquarters and unbalanced losing momentum was further checked in the latter stages due to pressure from runners to her outer.
JUSTA GIFT (4) - soon after the start was bumped and pushed inwards handy on the home turn when contacted in the hindquarters and was crowded and checked back in the latter stages of the run to the line.
BIGTIME SHINE (5) - bumped and tightened soon after the start
BIG TIME BILLIE (6) - dictated across soon after the start being pushed on to runners to her inner and was further jostled losing ground in to the bend
CHEESE AND CHALK (7) - contact in to the bend making ground in the run to the line when angling inwards tightening and checking runners to his inner in the latter stages.
Race 7 Goldstar Racing Kennels, Christchurch C4 - C4 - 520 FIFI (4) - away well crowded and lost ground in to the first turn angled out in to the far bend to improve caught heels for a stride or so hampered on the home turn when pushed out and jostled losing momentum and ground on straightening for the run to the line.
SHE'S FOR US (6) - only fairly away back in the run in to the first turn jostled with runner to her her inner for some strides in to the back straight held up around the bend when attempting to improve from the rear hampered in the run to the line as runner to her inner moved outwards.
BIGTIME ANNIE (7) - ran widest in to the back straight improved to be midfield across the top bend hampered runners when moving ground outwards in the run to the line.
BIGTIME ALFIE (8) - last in to and around the first turn improved between runners across the top bend jostled for some strides with runner to his outer costing him self ground and was hampered in the latter stages when jostled as runners to his inner moved ground outwards. ground
Race 8 Accell "Leading The Way In Canine Therapy" C4/C5 - C4/5 - 520 BIGTIME LILAH (3) - soon after the start angled out across heels causing herself to check and went sideways fro a stride or so contacted runner to her outer racing in to the first turn was unable to get back in to contention.
OUR TYSON (6) - began awkwardly for a stride or so came out off heels in the run to the first turn soon after was contacted in the hind quarters and run in to from behind settled back was unable to make ground.
TAP OUT BILL (7) - checked soon after the start runner came back on to him in to the first turn severely checking him where he almost fell and appeared to be uncomfortable in his galloping action thereafter finishing a margin in the rear at the line and was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
Race 9 J & D Fahey Racing Kennels, Balcairn C3 - C3 - 305 ZARA ZOE (1) - handy in to the bend when tightened inwards contacting the rail came back off heels when checked going back on to following runner losing ground finished in to 4th placing at the line. was referred to the vet and was found to have pain in the left deltoid muscle
BIG TIME TATUM (3) - racing in to the bend was forced to abruptly check outwards and was run in to and fell with another runner going over the top of her she recovered to her paws to finish on to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have mild pain left triceps
IDOL FANCY PANTS (4) - crowded and jostled for some strides in the early running racing in to the bend was severely checked and fell recovered to her paws to finish on to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have a tear to the left deltoid muscle and generalised muscle pain.
BIG TIME DUSTY (6) - raced wide to the bend then attempted to angle inwards angling on to runner to his inner and was severely checked as he was bumped and jostled almost falling towards the outside fence he recovered back in to stride to finish on to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have a left deltoid muscle tear.
ALAMEIN TANE (7) - jostled in the early running angled across in to the bend was forced to abruptly check out over heels severely checking runners to his outer who ran in to his hind quarters almost dragging him down he recovered back in to stride to finish on to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have left deltoid muscle tear.
BIGTIME LEO (8) - improving in to the bend angled inwards across the face of ZARA ZOE causing this runner to make contact with the rail and go back on to following runners.
Race 10 Rivercity Gas C3 - C3 - 305 HASHTAG BLESSED (3) - hampered for a couple of strides in the run to the bend losing some ground improved between runners in the run across the top bend in to midfield.
MITCHAM DOUG (4) - dwelt as the lids lifted then then was unbalanced for a stride or so losing initial momentum settling in the rear by approx 5 or so lengths and was unable to get in to contention there after in a fairly fast run sprint.
BREED APART (8) - raced widest throughout.
Race 11 Quality Inn Collegiate Wanganui C3 - C3 - 305 DARK SYRAH (2) - handy in to the bend soon after was contacted in the hind quarters being pushed sideways for a few strides causing her to lose momentum and ground back to a clear last in the running racing wide thereafterand was unable to make ground thereafter.
DYNA VERNON (3) - hampered when tightened and held up for some strides in the run around the bend going back off heels losing momentum and ground.
VIKING ASH (6) - hampered in the run when attempting to make ground around runners.
TOKEN VIKKERS (7) - angled inwards in to the bend running in to the hind quarters of DARK SYRAH tangling and catching this runners heels losing ground and momentum
Race 12 Congratulations Jasmine Leigh NCEA Level 2 Pass C2 - C2 - 305 SEDGEBROOK SALLY (1) - fav- only fairly away ran on to and checked out off heels in to the bend running wide then abruptly angling in across the face of PUNCH ON RUBY causing herself to be checked losing momentum and all chance thereafter.
MR. POSTMAN (3) - caught between runners and checked in to the bend losing momentum and ground attempted to improve but was forced to check around runners nearing the home turn.
PUNCH ON RUBY (5) - jostled in to the bend soon after contact in the hind quarters unbalanced and was then abruptly checked catching heels becoming awkwardly placed for some strides and finished a margin in the rear at the line and was referred to the vet and was found to have a torn left deltoid muscle.
ZARA FAB (7) - wide in to the bend was contacted and checked out extremely wide on to the top bend recovered good ground to the line.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C1/C2 - C1/2 - 520 Big Time Trae Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 17 Dec 2019

Race 5 Thrilling Boris At Stud C3 - C3 - 520 Big Time May Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 26 Dec 2019

Race 9 J & D Fahey Racing Kennels, Balcairn C3 - C3 - 305 Zara Zoe Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 17 Dec 2019

Alamein Tane Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 09 Jan 2020

Big Time Dusty Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 09 Jan 2020

Big Time Tatum Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 17 Dec 2019

Idol Fancy Pants Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 09 Jan 2020

Race 10 Rivercity Gas C3 - C3 - 305 Jericho Warrior Rule 40.13 from 12 Dec 2019 to 21 Dec 2019

Race 12 Congratulations Jasmine Leigh NCEA Level 2 Pass C2 - C2 - 305 Punch On Ruby Rule 56.1 from 13 Dec 2019 to 09 Jan 2020


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 3 J Udy & D Cottam Racing Kennels, Te Kauwhata C1/C2 - C1/2 - 520 Bigtime Fred Swab No: Post race urine

Race 4 Allegro Gun At Stud C4 - C4 - 305 Zipping Gabby Swab No: Post race urine

Race 6 Wanganui Toyota C5 - C5 - 305 Trojan Hoarse Swab No: Post race urine

Race 8 Accell "Leading The Way In Canine Therapy" C4/C5 - C4/5 - 520 Bigtime Shadow Swab No: Post race urine

Race 11 Quality Inn Collegiate Wanganui C3 - C3 - 305 Cawbourne Ridge Swab No: Post race random urine

M Austin K Coppins vet C Underwood

Stipendiary Stewards