Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON WEDNESDAY 18 Dec 2019

Weather: Raining
Track: Slushy After heavy overnight rain and rain throughout the programe the track was well maintained by the track staff. All other equipment operated well.
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment: Nil.

Judicial report: Supplementary Wanganui greyhounds 11-12-2019 regarding the late scratching of GOLDSTAR MALONE from race one Trainer S Gommans was given an official warning.

1-NOAH RAPPER # 5 race 2 ( B Marsh ) was stood down rule 55.1b failing to pursue and to the completion of a satisfactory trail (1st offence )

2-ZIPPING ROMEO # 1 race 8 ( J & D Bell ) has been stood down per rule 55.7 to complete a satisfactory trial.

3-ROCKY TOP # 6 race 13 ( P Taylor ) after reviewing replay trainer was advised an improved performance from this runner in future starts will be expected.

4-L Hunt was issued with an official warning per rule 44.8b after failing to present the papers for SMASH CHARGER in race 11.

This report as posted is provisional and may be subject to further change or amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C0 - C0 - 305 BIG TIME GOLDIE (2) - ran inwards fro a stride leaving the boxes then angled outwards bumping and jostling with runner to her outer for some strides in the run to the bend contacted in the hindquarters and ran widest on to the top bend.
YOUNG DUMB BROKE (3) - soon after the start was forced outwards being bumped and jostled for some strides losing her position racing in to the bend ran wide was unable to get back in to contention.
SILLY SALMON (5) - went up with the lids was slow away angled across in to the bend was unable to improve in the run to the line.
ALFIE DAMAN (7) - stood when the lids lifted missing the jump by several lengths
Race 2 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C0 - C0 - 305 SEDGEBROOK MINI was a late scratching due to coming in to season.
LIFE IS GOOD (1) - tightened and checked in to the bend losing momentum and ground was unable to get back in to contention.
SUB TWENTY THREE (3) - checked in to the bend when contacted in the hindquarters losing momentum and ground contacting and checking LIFE IS GOOD to his inner.
DEWIE (4) - hampered and held up racing in to the bend when contacting hindquarters and losing some ground held up again soon after across the top bend when clearing heels .
NOAH RAPPER (5) - fav- best away to a clear lead challenged by a wider runner in to the home straight where halfway down he turned his head outwards on two occasions and eased when clear of other runners and was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found and has been stood down ( failing to pursue ) and to the completion of a satisfactory trial.
CITIZEN ZAGREB (6) - began awkwardly and was last in to stride by 5 or so lengths raced wide in to the bend when attempting to make ground around runners.
Race 3 Absolutely Electrical C1 - C1 - 305 BELMONTS (2) - fav- dwelt and was slow in to stride hampered racing in to the bend when forced to check off heels and ran outwards coming together with runner to his outer and lost some ground checked on the home turn losing momentum and was unable to finish on thereafter.
BRIGHT CONCEPT (3) - hampered when clipped from behind racing on to the top bend
SLAM IT (4) - contact in the hindquarters and forced to check out wide off heel losing momentum and ground wide on the home turn made good ground in the latter stages.
BIGTIME CLAWS (7) - improving nearing the home turn when forced to check off heels and hampered again soon after finishing in the rear at the line.
Race 4 Wanganui Chronicle C1 - C1 - 305 TARANAKI BRIE (4) - checked and went sideways coming off the mats was then tightened and jostled back in behind runners tightened again in to the bend angled out over heels on the home turn and jostled with runner to her outer for some distance in the run to the line.
OPAL NORA (5) - checked at the start then angled inwards across heels contacted the rail in to the bend losing momentum and ground was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
MORNING SUN (6) - fav- ran inwards abruptly from the jump checking runners to his inner he was then tightened and jostled back tightened and jostled between runners in to the bend made good ground around the bend to the line.
Race 5 Aon CPF C0 - C0 - 520 IDOL LEO (3) - hampered in the run in to the first turn tightened and checked back racing in to the back straight galloped awkwardly for some strides across the top bend and in to the home straight finishing in the rear at the line was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
BIG TIME HARLEY (4) - began awkwardly stumbling slightly for a stride ran on to heels and checked outwards racing in to the first turn
IDOL ANDY (5) - racing handy vying for the lead around the first turn wide out was checked turning in to the back straight losing ground and was unable to get back in to contention.
DERRY BLUES (8) - angled out making ground tightening runners racing in to the back straight.
Race 6 Palmountains Scientific Nutrition C1 - C1 - 520 WAITOHI (1) - slow away made ground along the back straight to finish in to the midfield at the line.
BIG TIME CHAD (6) - dwelt at the jump tightened and checked in to the first turn and fell recovered to his paws and followed the field to the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to have bruising and mild lameness left fore
VALVE BOUNCING (7) - angled across in to the first turn causing tightening to runners to his inner and was checked as a result of BIG TIME CHAD falling.
Race 7 Quality Inn Collegiate Wanganui C2 - C2 - 305 SHADOW GIRL (5) - checked at the start recovered well settled in to midfield hampered when clearing heels in to the bend.
JUST LIKE HARRY (6) - ran in from the jump colliding in to SHADOW GIRL settled back was unable to get in to contention thereafter.
Race 8 Rivercity Gas C1 - C1 - 520 ZIPPING ROMEO (1) - improved towards the leader nearing the home turn challenged for the lead halfway down when he turned his head inwards and moved inwards on to the shoulder of BIGTIME JACKSON without making muzzle contact and eased in the latter stages of the run to the line he was referred to the vet for a possible ( failing to pursue charge ) this was not taken any further after a vet check revealed that the dog has a torn right hind gracilis muscle injury with a 28 day stand down recommended ZIPPING ROMEO will be required to complete a satisfactory trial.
BIG TIME JACKSON (6) - led out away to a clear lead challenged on his outer when hampered for a couple of strides in the latter stages when he shifted ground slightly outwards making shoulder contact with ZIPPING ROMEO in the latter stages of the run to the line.
Race 9 The Rock 95.2FM C1 - C1 - 305 PARIS END (1) - slowest away .
OPAWA FLASH (2) - lost all chance when checked in to the bend.
SHREWDY (3) - away well early stages was severely tightened and galloped on nearing the bend running in to the hind of CLANSMAN DOUGLAS and abruptly checked outwards checking OPAWA FLASH extremely wide on to the top bend losing all chance from thereon in and was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
HOMEBUSH SHEA (4) - tightened and jostled in the run to the bend tightened and hampered in the run across the top bend and lost ground when attempting to clear heels.
BIGTIME KIOWA (5) - hampered for some strides in the run to the bend when attempting to clear heels losing momentum and ground made up some ground in the run to the line.
SEDGEBROOK SALLY (6) - checked racing off the mats when clipped from behind.
SUMMER GLEE (7) - awkwardly away checking inwards checked in to the bend
Race 10 Accell "Leading The Way In Canine Therapy" C1 - C1 - 305 KILLER FROST (1) - racing in the midfield when tightened and went back losing ground to the rear racing in to the bend and was unable to get back in to contention.
GEMMAS DILEMMA (2) - hampered when tightened in the run to the bend came back and out off heels in to the bend to be the widest runner was unable to make a lot of ground in the run to the line.
MISTER BOOZE (3) - jostled soon after the start tightened and jostled again in the run in to the bend
GOLDSTAR DAYTON (5) - slowest away soon after was tightened and jostled for some strides in the run to the bend.
Race 11 First Security C1 - C1 - 305 COOL WOLF (1) - away well then went back and out over heels and raced widest thereafter covering a fair amount of extra ground finishing in the rear at the line
LESLIE ALBERT (7) - hampered with tightened and jostled between runners for some distance in the run in to the bend checked again on the top bend
SMASH CHARGER (8) - hampered for some strides in the run to the bend when attempting to angle inwards came back off heels on the top bend finishing towards the rear at the line and was referred to the vet and was found to have a torn gracilis muscle right hind.
Race 12 Book Your Function @ Hatrick C1 - C1 - 305 DOUBLE CHANGE (1) - went up with the lids and was slow away was severely tightened and checked making hard contact with the rail in to the bend going back to the rear made some ground in the latter stages and was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
CADILLAC MACK (3) - hampered when pushed inwards racing in to the bend.
AUROS ADVANTAGE (4) - hampered for some strides when tightened and checked losing momentum and ground racing in to the bend was unable to get back in to contention.
YEE COO COO (5) - tightened and checked in to the bend when dictated in on to runners to her inner.
Race 13 Laser Plumbing C1 - C1 - 305 AHUROA PRINCE (4) - tightened in to the bend as runner from his outer was tightened inwards and was further jostled a couple strides on losing several lengths.
BIGTIME SAM (5) - angled across in to the bend contacting and tightening runner to his inner for several strides.
ROCKY TOP (6) - led out tightened and went back to the rear in to the bend came back off heels on the top bend when well back finishing in the rear at the line and was referred to the vet where no abnormalities were found.
Race 14 Wanganui Toyota C2 - C2 - 305 RAPID FIRE (3) - fav- awkwardly away settled back improved between runners in to the bend improved around runners in the run around the bend to the home straight was unable to peg back the winner in the run to the line.
LIGHT CRUISER (9/4) - began awkwardly for a stride or so handy in to the bend crowded for a stride or so losing some ground improving on the home turn when angling out across heels losing more ground.
HOMEBUSH MAXI (10/2) - hampered for some strides in to the bend when looking for clear room to improve once in the clear across the top bend made good ground to the line.
Race 15 Adept Accountants C2 - C2 - 305 BOMBSHELL BLONDE (2) - bumped and checked racing from the start settled handy contact in to the bend tightened and came back off heels on the top bend unable to make ground in the run to the line.
SO SEVERE (3) - checked at the start hampered on the top bend for a couple of strides couldn't make ground in the run to the line.
ELECTRICAL STORM (4) - checked at the start settled back improved around runners across the top bend made good ground to the line.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE (5) - ran in sharply from the jump across the face of ELECTRICAL STORM & SO SEVERE checking these runners runners and running in to BOMBSHELL BLONDE checking this runner


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 2 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C0 - C0 - 305 Noah Rapper Rule 55.1 b from 18 Dec 2019 to 14 Jan 2020

Sedgebrook Mini Rule 40.11 from 18 Dec 2019 to 14 Jan 2020

Race 3 Absolutely Electrical C1 - C1 - 305 Bigtime Bridget Rule 40.11 from 17 Dec 2019 to 13 Jan 2020

Race 6 Palmountains Scientific Nutrition C1 - C1 - 520 Big Time Chad Rule 56.1 from 18 Dec 2019 to 24 Dec 2019

Race 8 Rivercity Gas C1 - C1 - 520 Zipping Romeo Rule 56.1 from 18 Dec 2019 to 14 Jan 2020

Race 11 First Security C1 - C1 - 305 Goldstar Auburn Rule 40.11 from 16 Dec 2019 to 12 Jan 2020

Homebush Dolphy Rule 40.13 from 18 Dec 2019 to 24 Dec 2019

Smash Charger Rule 56.1 from 18 Dec 2019 to 28 Jan 2020

Race 12 Book Your Function @ Hatrick C1 - C1 - 305 Blue Whizz Rule 40.15 from 16 Dec 2019 to 12 Jan 2020

Race 13 Laser Plumbing C1 - C1 - 305 Homebush Jennia Rule 40.15 from 18 Dec 2019 to 14 Jan 2020


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 TAB Bonus Back Promotion For Races 1 & 2 C0 - C0 - 305 Yarn Sister Swab No: Blood

Race 3 Absolutely Electrical C1 - C1 - 305 Raining Sixes Swab No: Post race urine

Race 6 Palmountains Scientific Nutrition C1 - C1 - 520 Cavatate Swab No: Post race urine

Race 7 Quality Inn Collegiate Wanganui C2 - C2 - 305 Mr. Postman Swab No: Blood

Race 8 Rivercity Gas C1 - C1 - 520 Zipping Romeo Swab No: Post race urine

Race 12 Book Your Function @ Hatrick C1 - C1 - 305 Articulator Swab No: Post race urine

Race 15 Adept Accountants C2 - C2 - 305 Criminal Justice Swab No: Post race urine

M Austin K Coppins vets K Smith M Jansen

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 19 Dec 2019 at 17:32