Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON TUESDAY 05 May 2020

Weather: Showery
Track: Dead
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment: All clear

Judicial report: SPECIAL REPORT:

• This meeting was closed to public due to Government restrictions surrounding Covid - 19 and was run under Greyhound Racing New Zealand Work Safe Covid - 19 protocols.

• In accordance with GRNZ Rule 48.9(a), the Stewards directed the Starter to box the greyhounds into the starting boxes in the following order, 1 & 5, followed by 3 & 7, followed by 2 & 6, followed by 4 & 8 for all races.

All clear.

Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 CPF Insurance C0 - C0 - 305 This race was delayed by 3 minutes to allow veterinary attention to a runner
DERRY BLUES (1) - tightened and contacted rail in to the bend going back to the rear unable to improve from there a veterinary examination found no abnormalities
IDOL ANDY (2) - checked in to the bend as he attempted to angle across to the rail tightening runner to his inner losing momentum and ground
FRECKLE (4) - racing from the jump attempted to angle outwards contacting runner to her outer was pushed back in then bumped from her inner and went back out on to hindquarters settled midfield unbalanced turning in to the home straight battled in the run to the line a veterinary examination found pain in the right hind quadriceps& left hind satorious muscles..
TELLTALE SIGNS (5) - soon after the start jostled with runner to her inner for some strides before clearing this runner making good ground thereafter.
ALFIE DAMAN (7) - slow away by several lengths raced widest in to and around the bend making good ground effort told in the run to the line.
Race 2 Mike O'Sullivan Master Painter C1 - C1 - 305 Race two started 4 minutes later than the advertised starting time .
SEDGEBROOK COMET (1) - came out over heels in to the bend and was checked when contacted and tightened losing momentum
PARADOX PRINCE (2) - slow away settled in the rear improved in to the bend and hampered for a couple of strides as runners came back on him.
WEBBER COME (3) - went up with the lids soon after was hampered when tightened back from between runners
MOTHER'S TOUCH (4) - hampered soon after the start when dictated across contacting runners to her inner was checked in to the bend running on to and outwards off heels and checked again a few strides on was uanble to make ground thereafter.
BIGTIME MACI (6) - tightened and checked in to the bend when forced across on to runners losing momentum and ground
BIG TIME AMBER (7) - tightened and checked in to the bend becoming unbalanced for a stride or so losing momentum and ground.
YASAWA LIGHTS (8) - angled across in to the bend severely tightening and checking runners to his inner for some strides.
Race 3 Palamountain's Scientific Nutrition C4 - C4 - 305 TUFF KNIGHT (3) - racing in tight quarters in to the bend came back off heels on the top bend losing ground.
ALLEGRO LEXXI (5) - checked and went sideways racing from the boxes angled off heels losing ground in to the bend ran wide couldn't improve.
BIG TIME SPOT (6) - checked between runners racing from the start unbalanced losing ground settled last attempted to improve along the inner to the home turn
BIGTIME LEADS (7) - angled across from the jump tightening runners to his inner
BIG TIME HARLEY (8) - angled in between runners in to the bend and was held up for some strides in the run across the top bend.
Race 4 Kernow Construction C2 - C2 - 305 SUMMER GLEE (2) - checked and tightened in to the bend .
CHOICE SISTER (3) - attempted to angle outwards from the jump and was hampered for some distance in the run to the bend was hampered again in to the bend losing ground was unable to improve thereafter.
ALLEGRO FERN (4) - hampered for some strides racing from the start attempted to angle across and was jostled in to the bend
NOVA WILLOW (6) - fav -checked soon after the start angled inwards in to the bend running in to hindquarters losing momentum and ground finishing midfield at the line a veterinary examination found no abnormalities
HOMEBUSH JENNIA (8) - angled across sharply from the jump tightening in on to inner runners angled inwards and was contacted in the hindquarters in to the bend
Race 5 Wanganui Toyota C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 ARTICULATOR (2) - slow away settled last unable to make ground thereafter.
BIG TIME JONIE (4) - began very awkwardly and stumbled off the mats becoming unbalanced for some strides was jostled in to the bend and cramped up in the concluding stages a veterinary examination found the dog to have suffered severe cramp on all four limbs and has been stood down per the cramping policy
MELITA VELLA (5) - knocked and unbalanced racing off the mats recovered quickly in to stride to finish best.
BIG TIME PLUTO (6) - ran in from the jump contacting runner to his inner .
OPAWA FLASH (7) - dictated across contacting runner to his inner racing from the start .
Race 6 Red Snapper Seafoods, Christchurch C3 - C3 - 305 DAPPER RAPPER (1) - handy on the inner when tightened catching heels losing ground back to the rear racing in to the bend became unbalanced racing in to the home straight when well back.
DYNAMITE DANGER (2) - racing handy in to the bend when tightened in on to runner to his inner losing some momentum and ground.
BIG TIME ODETTE (3) - hampered in the run into the bend as runners ahead were checked.
YARN SISTER (5) - ran wide off heels in to the bend losing ground.
ARTHUR'S CROWN (6) - angled outwards in the run to the bend and was dictated out widest on to the top bend.
ALLEGRO CURTIS (7) - fav- angled across to the lead in to the bend tightening and checking runners to his inner.
Race 7 Guthrie Bowron Wanganui C4 - C4 - 305 IDOL PATCHES (6) - soon after the start was jostled between runners for some strides went back to the rear made some ground in the run to the line.
BIGTIME STELLA (7) - forced to raced wide in to and around the bend when attempting to make ground checked on the home turn when well back.
BIGTIME TANK (8) - slow away ran wide on the home turn when well back.
Race 8 First Security C3 - C3 - 305 SO SEVERE (1) - racing handy on the inner in to the bend when tightened losing momentum and some ground
BIGTIME BANJO (2) - cramped up at the conclusion of the race after a veterinary examination a stand down was imposed as per the cramping policy.
SHAMROCK GREEN (4) - referred to the vet some time after the race a veterinary examination found pain in the right hind quadriceps.
BIG TIME TRAE (5) - hampered when looking to improve nearing the home turn when unable to clear hindquarters made some ground in the run to the line.
TUFF TEMPTRESS (6) - racing midfield when bumped and pushed widest in to the bend losing ground finishing in the rear at the line.
DOUBLE WHAT (8) - hampered when running on to heels and checked in to the bend held up in the run across the top bend for a couple of strides.
Race 9 Accell "Leading The Way In Canine Therapy" C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 BIGTIME ARCHIE (1) - slow away soon after went to improve and was severely tightened making contact with the rail losing momentum and ground finishing in to midfield at the line a veterinary examination found no abnormalities.
IRISH ROGUE (4) - awkwardly away for a stride or so was then bumped inwards then recovered well in to stride to race handy thereafter.
TOCA MADERA (5) - began awkwardly soon after was tightened and checked back from between runners
SIR DUGGIE (6) - angled across from the jump running in on to TOCO MADERA checking this runner settled back was unable to get in to contention thereafter.
BIGTIME ZIGGY (7) - racing in the midfield on to the top bend when checked and lost ground back towards the rear.
Race 10 Aon Insurance C3 - C3 - 305 FUNZALO (1) - checked in to the bend as runner to his outer angled across towards the rail losing some momentum and a couple of lengths.
BIGTIME SHEER (2) - vying for the lead in to the bend when severely tightened going back on runners and fell to the track recovered to her paws to finish on to the lure some distance back a veterinary examination found no abnormalities but stood down per falling in race policy
BARBAROSSA BOY (3) - racing in the rear in to the bend when severely checked and almost fell as runners came back losing all chance thereafter a veterinary examination found pain in right hind infraspinatus & right quadriceps muscles & pain in right hock.
ZIPPING LUTHER (4) - racing in behind midfield in to the bend when severely checked almost falling losing all chance thereafter a veterinary examination found pain in the left hind gracilis.
BIG TIME FAIRY (5) - hampered for some strides when racing in tight quarters in to the bend catching heels and bumped with runner to her outer and unbalanced going wide losing some ground made ground thereafter in to midfield at the line a veterinary examination found pain in right quadriceps,left fore supraspinatus, left hind biceps.
Race 11 Adept Accountants C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 BIG TIME MAPLE (1) - tightened in the run in to the bend checking and losing some ground was able to quickly recover in to stride came out off heels nearing the home turn
CHEESE AND CHALK (2) - racing in tight quarters on to the top bend when severely checked when running in to the back of fallen runner losing all chance thereafter a veterinary examination found
BIGTIME LEO (3) - tightened in to the bend as runners angled across running on to heels and checking losing several lengths.
BIG TIME FROSTY (7) - racing in tight quarters on to the top bend when catching heels and falling recovered to her paws to finish on to the lure a veterinary examination found no abnormalities a stand down was imposed under race fall policy.
BIG TIME GWYN (8) - hampered nearing the home turn when dictated outwards being forced over extra ground.
Race 12 Laser Plumbing C2 - C2 - 305
HOMEBUSH MAXI (2) - handy on the inner racing in to the bend was tightened and checked going back several lengths.
NIPPA-A-SPOT (3) - began well soon after attempted to angle outwards catching heels was then pushed inwards being turned sideways and became unbalanced racing in to the bend losing momentum and ground finishing a margin in the rear at the line a veterinary examination found bleeding left front dew claw.
ZARA DAIKEN (4) - checked in the run in to the bend when contacted in the hindquarters recovered quickly back in to stride.
BIG TIME MAC (7) - racing towards the rear in to the bend when checked and ran wide out over heels as runners came back losing momentum and ground.
LIFE IS GOOD (8) - tightened and checked going sideways in to the bend when racing in tight quarters
I'LL BE LOYAL (9/5) - racing handy to the bend caused herself to be checked and pushed sideways as she attempted to angle inwards losing some ground recovered quickly to make ground couldn't finish off in the run to the line.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 CPF Insurance C0 - C0 - 305 Freckle Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 11 May 2020

Race 5 Wanganui Toyota C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 Big Time Ocean Rule 40.11 from 04 May 2020 to 31 May 2020

Big Time Jonie Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 09 May 2020

Race 8 First Security C3 - C3 - 305 Bigtime Banjo Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 09 May 2020

Shamrock Green Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 11 May 2020

Race 10 Aon Insurance C3 - C3 - 305 Zipping Luther Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 11 May 2020

Big Time Fairy Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 11 May 2020

Barbarossa Boy Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 25 May 2020

Bigtime Sheer Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 09 May 2020

Race 11 Adept Accountants C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 Big Time Frosty Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 09 May 2020

Race 12 Laser Plumbing C2 - C2 - 305 Bigtime Puma Rule 40.13 from 04 May 2020 to 31 May 2020

Nippa-A-Spot Rule 56.1 from 05 May 2020 to 09 May 2020


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 CPF Insurance C0 - C0 - 305 Sideline Sally Swab No: Post race urine

Race 4 Kernow Construction C2 - C2 - 305 Allegro Ella Swab No: Post race urine

Race 7 Guthrie Bowron Wanganui C4 - C4 - 305 Bigtime Cutie Swab No: Post race urine

Race 10 Aon Insurance C3 - C3 - 305 Funzalo Swab No: Post race urine

Race 11 Adept Accountants C4/C5 - C4/5 - 305 Doomsday Swab No: Post race urine

M Austin K Coppins S Irvine- vet M Jansen

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 06 May 2020 at 18:16