Stipendiary Stewards Report

Waikato Greyhound Racing Club

Cambridge Raceway ON THURSDAY 19 Nov 2020

Weather: Fine
Track: Good
Scales: Correct at checked weights
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: 1) - MICHEM GREG which was entered for Race 3, the Farmlands CopRice Series Final, was withdrawn prior to box draw and received Veterinary treatment for a corn on the right fore 3rd toe which was removed and a 7 day stand down imposed.

2) - HAPPY MEDIUM (race 3) stood down for 28 days and until the completion of a satisfactory trial under Rule 55.1b Failing to Pursue.

Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 Mayhounds Greyhound Rehoming Group Sprint - C1 - 375 ASCOTT (1) - tightened making contact first turn.
JUST WILLIAM (2) - tightened making contact first turn.
CARL SPACKLER (3) - contact first turn then shifted out off heels. Held up final bend.
FALL GRACEFULLY (4) - slow away then bumped. Checked first turn then forced wider. Shifted out away from inside runners entering the final straight to race wide.
ALLEGRO SKYE (5) - came together with PARIS END in the back straight then made continuous contact for a distance rounding the first bend before becoming tightened having to check going back onto SMASH OUT. Jostled final bend.
JINJA LAD (6) - slow away then bumped. Checked first turn getting forced wide losing ground. Shifted in off heels final straight.
PARIS END (7) - came together with ALLEGRO SKY in the back straight then made continuous contact for a distance rounding the first bend.
SMASH OUT (8) - inconvenienced rounding the bend making contact. Jostled final bend.
Race 2 The Clubhouse Sports Bar Sprint - C0 - 375 PRIDEFUL (1) - collided back straight and again when tightened first turn.
MY BRO JET (2) - collided back straight and again when tightened first turn.
LOUDRED (4) - slow away.
THRILLING MARGOT (5) - bumped back straight.
DADDY DONNY (6) - bumped back straight. Collided first turn losing ground.
LET EM TALK (7) - bumped back straight. Contact first turn.
FIRST LIGHT (8) - bumped back straight. Collided first turn losing ground.
Race 3 Farmlands CopRice Series Final - C1f - 375 FLYING HUEY (3) - inconvenienced start losing ground. Collided several occasions first turn losing ground.
RUBY EXPRESS (4) - checked start losing ground. Contact first turn losing ground.
NOISE MAKER (5) - angled in start making contact.
KAPAI STEWIE (6) - collided several occasions first turn losing ground. Held up final bend.
HAPPY MEDIUM (7) - turned head inwards toward NOISE MAKER for several strides in the final straight. Veterinary examination revealed no abnormality. Subsequently stood down for 28 days and until the completion of a satisfactory trial under Rule 55.1b Failing to Pursue.
INDI SHAE (8) - inconvenienced rounding the bend.
Race 4 Garrards Horse & Hound Sprint - C1 - 375 GO FALCON (2) - bumped back straight losing ground. Hampered first turn losing ground.
THRILLING TUCKER (3) - bumped back straight. Checked rounding the bend shifting out across heels.
BIGTIME OTIS (4) - checked after the start. Hampered first turn losing ground.
MY BRO BOBBY (5) - checked first turn. Inconvenienced first turn shifting wide off heels losing ground.
ALL UNITE (6) - began awkwardly. Hampered first turn losing ground. Hampered in the final straight getting on heels becoming unbalanced.
ANTONIO (7) - hampered first turn losing ground. Shifted out in the final straight into the line of ALL UNITE becoming unbalanced.
DANISH DELIGHT (8) - angled in into the line of THRILLING TUCKER first turn getting briefly contacted from behind.
Race 5 Affordable Pet Accessories Sprint - C3 - 375 PREROGATIVE (1) - tightened and hampered first turn losing ground.
OPAWA TRAVIS (2) - inconvenienced after the start losing ground. Checked first turn losing ground.
MOBILITY SCOOTER (3) - tightened and hampered first turn losing ground. Bumped final straight.
SPRING BUBBLES (4) - contact back straight.
DIGNITY DENTED (5) - bumped back straight. Tightened and hampered first turn losing ground.
HIT ZONE (6) - slow away. Inconvenienced first turn shifting wider.
TAP OUT BILL (7) - tightened and hampered first turn losing ground. Bumped final straight.
Race 6 Vetora Cambridge Sprint - C2 - 375 GO ALL LIN (2) - shifted out off heels first turn. Collided first turn shifting wider losing ground.
DUNDEE SPECTRE (4) - slow away then inconvenienced shifting in.
STAY RICH (5) - inconvenienced shifting in back straight. Checked first turn getting taken wide losing ground.
JUST NIA (7) - tightened and checked first turn losing ground.
JINJA MIGHT (8) - collided first turn shifting wider losing ground.
Race 7 Happy 60th birthday Nigel Rugg - C4/5 - 375 CHARLOW (1) - bumped start. Tightened first turn shifting out off heels.
THRILLING MURPHY (2) - bumped start. Steadied off heels racing toward the first turn then checked. Collided rounding the bend.
PORTLAND BERTY (3) - began awkwardly making contact then shifted in across heels.
SPRING CESC (4) - bumped start. Checked first turn shifting out making contact. Checked final bend making contact.
BERET GIRL (5) - bumped back straight.
DOBBY WHO (8) - contact first turn shifting wide losing ground.
OUR HEMI (9/6) - bumped back straight. Contact first turn losing ground. Checked final bend making contact.
THRILLING PEGGY (10/7) - contact first turn losing ground. Collided rounding the bend then shifted in into the line of SPRING CESC.
Race 8 Mike Stent Decorators Ltd Stakes - C2/3 - 457 ALPINO (1) - began awkwardly losing ground.
ZORO (3) - bumped start.
LITTLE TEEGS (4) - bumped start.
THEA WHO (5) - contact start. Jostled into the first turn then checked losing ground.
SERBIAN ACE (6) - contact start.
GO HOME DUKE (7) - contact start. Jostled into the first turn.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 3 Farmlands CopRice Series Final - C1f - 375 Happy Medium Rule 55.1 b from 19 Nov 2020 to 16 Dec 2020

Race 7 Happy 60th birthday Nigel Rugg - C4/5 - 375 Sports Mode Rule 40.13 from 19 Nov 2020 to 16 Dec 2020

Does He Exist Rule 40.13 from 19 Nov 2020 to 09 Dec 2020


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 Mayhounds Greyhound Rehoming Group Sprint - C1 - 375 Ascott Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 2 The Clubhouse Sports Bar Sprint - C0 - 375 Thrilling Margot Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 5 Affordable Pet Accessories Sprint - C3 - 375 Opawa Travis Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 6 Vetora Cambridge Sprint - C2 - 375 Beau Beau Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 7 Happy 60th birthday Nigel Rugg - C4/5 - 375 Beret Girl Swab No: Post race - Urine

P Kinsey & B Van Kan Veterinarian P Morrison

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 19 Nov 2020 at 19:40