Stipendiary Stewards Report

Palmerston North Greyhound Racing Club

Manawatu Raceway ON MONDAY 01 Feb 2021

Weather: Fine
Track: Good
Scales: Correct at checked weights.
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 Formpro Ratings Free Every Monday C4/C5 - C4/5 - 457 BIG TIME ROCKET (4) - bumped BIG TIME FRANKIE shortly after the start. Buffeted nearing the bend, losing ground as a result. Jostled, briefly, with BIG TIME FRANKIE through the bend when racing at the rear of the field.
BIG TIME VEGAS (5) - began awkwardly.
BIG TIME FRANKIE (6) - bumped shortly after the start. Buffeted BIG TIME ROCKET nearing the bend, losing ground as a result. Jostled, briefly, with BIG TIME ROCKET through the bend when racing at the rear of the field.
BROKE BRAD (7) - raced wide at various stages throughout.
Race 2 Commentators Day Out Here 1st March C1/C2 - C1/2 - 457 JILLIBY SOPHIA (3) - bumped TEKKI JIM entering the bend.
BIG TIME HARRY (5) - squeezed BIG TIME KOBE at the start. Jostled with BIGTIME ARCHIE for the majority of the back straight. Tightened entering the bend, checking across heels and contacting BIGTIME ARCHIE in the process. Coursed very wide through the home straight.
BIG TIME KOBE (6) - squeezed between runners at the start, losing ground. Awkwardly placed behind runners through the bend and unable to gain clear racing room as a result.
BIGTIME ARCHIE (7) - squeezed BIG TIME KOBE at the start. Jostled with BIG TIME HARRY for the majority of the back straight. Contacted entering the bend, losing ground as a result.
BIG TIME AMBER (8) - tightened BIG TIMEHARRY entering the bend. Raced wide through the home straight.
TEKKI JIM (9/1) - bumped entering the bend.
Race 3 Paul Claridge Electrical C0 - C0 - 410 ADOBE BROOKE (1) - contacted from behind entering the home straight. Raced wide through the early stages of the home straight.
TUFF DYNAMO (2) - contacted from behind at the start. Jostled, briefly, with BIG TIME WOLFIE shortly after the start. Squeezed between runners nearing the bend, before being buffeted toward and contacting the rail entering the bend, then unbalanced contacting BIG TIME WOLFIE from behind and checking BIG TIME GREER. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
THRILLING SAMSON (3) - contacted TUFF DYNAMO from behind at the start. Tightened nearing the home straight, needing to check across heels, dragging ALLEGRO MOSES from behind as a result. Lost momentum and ground.
BIG TIME WOLFIE (4) - jostled, briefly, with TUFF DYNAMO shortly after the start. Squeezed TUFF DYNAMO nearing the bend, then buffeted TUFF DYNAMO towards the rail, then contacted from behind. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
ALLEGRO MOSES (6) - began awkwardly. Tightened THRILLING SAMSON nearing the home straight when attempting to cross to the rail, then dragged from behind, almost falling as a result. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
BIG TIME GREER (7) - began awkwardly. Checked entering the bend, losing her chance. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed pain over left gracilis.
WAITING GAME (8) - slow away. Contacted ADOBE BROOKE from behind entering the home straight when moving up the track. Wide through the home straight.
Race 4 Total Bodyshop Supplies NZ Bred C1 - C1 - 410 BIG TIME REBEL (4) - slow away. Jostled with SMOKIN' CHIMNEY nearing the bend. Contacted ALLEGRO PIPPA from behind entering the bend when attempting to find clear racing room. Contacted on the point of the bend and dictated wide momentarily.
ALLEGRO VEY (5) - slow away. Contacted the rail nearing the bend, losing ground. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
SMOKIN' CHIMNEY (6) - began awkwardly. Jostled with BIG TIME REBEL nearing the bend. Buffeted, then tightened ALLEGRO PIPPA entering and throughout the home straight when attempting to cross to the rail.
BIG TIME BOOTS (7) - contacted BIG TIME REBEL on the point of the bend, dictating that runner momentarily wider. Coursed wide through the home straight. A post race veterinary examination was carried out at the handler's request which revealed no injuries.
ALLEGRO PIPPA (8) - contacted from behind entering the bend. Buffeted, then tightened entering and throughout the home straight, eventually losing ground.
Race 5 Nancy Cobain Memorial (Group 2) Final - C2df - 660 THRILLING AMELIA (1) - bumped EMGRAND ROSE at the start. Tightened nearing the first bend, needing to check off heels as a result.
EMGRAND ROSE (2) - bumped at the start. Tightened THRILLING AMELIA nearing the first bend.
BRONSKI BEAT (3) - coursed wide through the home straight.
SPEED MACHINE (4) - began awkwardly. Bumped nearing the winning post on the first occasion.
THRILLING NINA (5) - contacted shortly after the start, then bumped SPEED MACHINE nearing the winning post on the first occasion.
BAILEYS NICE (6) - contacted THRILLING NINA shortly after the start.
HOT PLATTER (7) - contacted from behind entering the back straight, losing ground and unable to make up lost ground. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed pain on flexion of right shoulder..
LITTLE TEEGS (8) - slow away. Contacted HOT PLATTER entering the back straight.
Race 6 Big Barrel PN Final C0 - C0f - 457 BIG TIME GLORY (1) - tightened nearing the bend, appearing to contact the rail. Bumped TUFF TIGER on the point of the bend, becoming unbalanced and losing ground. Tightened TUFF TIGER nearing the winning post. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
TUFF TIGER (2) - slow away. Contacted shortly after the start. Bumped on the point of the bend, appearing to contact the rail. Tightened nearing the winning post. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
UNCLE ALBERT (4) - bumped at the start, then contacted TUFF TIGER shortly after the start.
FRECKLE (5) - slow away, settling several lengths at the rear of the field. Coursed wide through the latter stages of the bend and through the home straight.
BIG TIME CHASE (6) - bumped UNCLE ALBERT at the start.
BIG TIME BRYNN (7) - tightened BIG TIME GLORY nearing the bend.
Race 7 Tony Lee Calling Here 1st March C3/C4 - C3/4 - 457 BIG TIME EDEN (4) - raced wide through the home straight.
BIGTIME ROD (6) - tightened SUPER REX on the point of the bend.
SUPER REX (8) - slow away. Tightened on the point of the bend.
Race 8 PNGRC Sectional Times @ C1 - C1 - 410 SPRING FOX (1) - tightened nearing the bend, needing to check off heels to gain clear racing room.
SLIPPERY SUZIE (2) - tightened nearing the bend, in turn tightening SPRING FOX.
BIG TIME MILO (3) - began awkwardly. Tightened nearing the bend, in turn tightening SLIPPERY SUZIE.
MICKEY MOWHAWK (4) - tightened entering the bend, losing momentum. Tightened JUST LIKE LUCY on the point of the bend.
BIG TIME AIDEN (5) - tightened BIG TIME MILO nearing the bend. Unbalanced entering the bend, losing ground as a result. Contacted from behind nearing the home straight, losing ground again.
ZIPPING LUTHER (6) - bumped at the start.
JUST LIKE LUCY (7) - went up with the lids, settling several lengths behind the field. Tightened on the point of the bend, needing to check across heels. Coursed wide through the home straight.
LIBERTY TAKER (8) - began awkwardly, bumping ZIPPING LUTHER at the start. Tightened MICKEY MOWHAWK entering the bend. Contacted BIG TIME AIDEN from behind nearing the home straight.
Race 9 Outback Trading Company C5 - C5 - 410 WIFI BOLT (1) - began awkwardly. Tightened entering the bend, needing to check across heels to gain clear racing room.
BIG TIME ANGEL (3) - slow away. Moved up the track nearing the bend, squeezing ZAMAH and ELECTRICAL STORM.
BIG TIME GWYN (4) - tightened WIFI BOLT entering the bend.
ZAMAH (6) - squeezed between runners nearing the bend.
ELECTRICAL STORM (7) - bumped then squeezed between runners nearing the bend, losing ground as a result. Wide through the bend. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
SUB TWENTY THREE (8) - bumped ELECTRICAL STORM, then squeezed ELECTRICAL STORM and ZAMAH nearing the bend.
Race 10 George Simon Calling Here 1st March C4/C5 - C4/5 - 410 BIG TIME LEBRON (2) - bumped BIG TIME KEVIN shortly after the start. Bumped BIG TIME KEVIN entering the bend.
BIG TIME KEVIN (3) - bumped shortly after the start. Bumped entering the bend.
FREE THINKER (4) - began awkwardly. Wide through early stages of the home straight.
BEES AND BIRDS (6) - bumped at the start. Tightened entering the bend, then contacted YASAWA LIGHTS from behind, dragging that runner down. Moved up the track entering the home straight, bumping LIFE IS GOOD and forcing that runner wide.
LIFE IS GOOD (7) - bumped BEES AND BIRDS at the start. Bumped entering the home straight, and obliged to race wide.
YASAWA LIGHTS (8) - tightened BEES AND BIRDS entering the bend when crossing to the lead, then contacted from behind and dragged down, losing ground as a result. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
Race 11 Remembering "Just Defy That" C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 BIGTIME DAISY (1) - bumped at the start, then buffeted through the back straight.
BIGTIME EMJAY (2) - bumped BIGTIME DAISY at the start, then buffeted BIGTIME DAISY through the back straight.
RUNNING FREER (3) - began awkwardly.
MOTHER'S TOUCH (6) - moved up the track through the back straight to race wide, and in doing so dictated the running line of OTIS. Coursed wide through the bend and home straight.
OTIS (7) - slow away. Had running line dictated and obliged to race wide through the back straight and entering the bend.
BIG TIME ROONIE (8) - slow away.
Race 12 Matt Cross Calling Here 1st March C1/C2 - C1/2 - 410 WIFI WILBUR (1) - crowded entering the bend, losing some ground, then contacted from behind, again losing ground. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed pain over right hip support.
KIOSK (2) - tightened JACK MARJEN entering the bend, then inconvenienced becoming unbalanced and losing ground. Contacted the rail on the point of the bend. Raced wide through the home straight. A post race veterinary examination was carried out which revealed no injuries.
JACK MARJEN (3) - slow away. Tightened entering the bend. Contacted WIFI WILBUR from behind, then inconvenienced KIOSK.
WOMAN NO CRY (5) - began awkwardly. Raced wide at various stages.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 Formpro Ratings Free Every Monday C4/C5 - C4/5 - 457 Thrilling Baxter Rule 40.15 from 31 Jan 2021 to 27 Feb 2021

Race 3 Paul Claridge Electrical C0 - C0 - 410 Big Time Greer Rule 56.1 from 01 Feb 2021 to 10 Feb 2021

Race 5 Nancy Cobain Memorial (Group 2) Final - C2df - 660 Hot Platter Rule 56.1 from 01 Feb 2021 to 10 Feb 2021

Race 7 Tony Lee Calling Here 1st March C3/C4 - C3/4 - 457 Emgrand Park Rule 40.15 from 31 Jan 2021 to 27 Feb 2021

Mystery Viking Rule 40.13 from 31 Jan 2021 to 10 Feb 2021

Race 12 Matt Cross Calling Here 1st March C1/C2 - C1/2 - 410 Wifi Wilbur Rule 56.1 from 01 Feb 2021 to 14 Feb 2021


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 Formpro Ratings Free Every Monday C4/C5 - C4/5 - 457 Big Time Frankie Swab No: post race (random) - urine.

Race 2 Commentators Day Out Here 1st March C1/C2 - C1/2 - 457 Rhodes Worthy Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 5 Nancy Cobain Memorial (Group 2) Final - C2df - 660 Bronski Beat Swab No: post race - urine.

Little Teegs Swab No: pre-race (random) - urine.

Thrilling Nina Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 6 Big Barrel PN Final C0 - C0f - 457 Federal Fantasy Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 11 Remembering "Just Defy That" C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 Big Time Flash Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 12 Matt Cross Calling Here 1st March C1/C2 - C1/2 - 410 Entree Only Swab No: pre-race (random) - urine.

K Coppins & B Bateup. Vet: Dr. D Barton

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 01 Feb 2021 at 18:51