Stipendiary Stewards Report

Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club

Hatrick Raceway ON FRIDAY 09 Jul 2021

Weather: Cloudy
Track: Good
Scales: Correct at all weights.
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: WARNINGS.

1 ) Handler Mr T Thornton was issued with an official warning for comments directed towards another licensed person.

Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 WELCOME TO HATRICK C1 - C1 - 305 BIG TIME DANDY (1) - began awkwardly for a stride or so.
OPAWA GRAVEL (2) - went up in the boxes as the lids were lifting. Soon after she was jostled as BIG TIME MELODY was pushed across.
BIG TIME MELODY (3) - dictated inwards and jostled as BIG TIME TASHA angled across in the run to the bend.
BIG TIME TASHA (4) - dwelt at the jump. Soon after she was bumped and jostled between runners for some distance as she attempted to angle across, losing ground finishing in the rear at the line. Referred to the vet and cleared of injury.
BIG TIME BLAIR (5) - began awkwardly for a stride or so.
OPAWA CHEAP (6) - began awkwardly. Held up for several strides in the run onto the top bend when looking to clear heels.
MOTHER'S TOUCH (8) - forced to race wide across the top bend and in the run to the line.
Race 2 ACCELL "LEADING THE WAY IN CANINE THERAPY" C1 - C1 - 520 OPAWA MASON (3) - began awkwardly going in onto BIG TIME SCOOTER. Settled back contact with BIG TIME SCOOTER entering the first turn and checked out wide. Improved along the inner along the back straight and was galloped entering the far bend losing ground back to the rear. Referred to the vet and cleared of injury.
WIFI INGA (5) - contact in the hind quarters and unbalanced for a stride or so entering the first turn.
BIG TIME DIOR (7) - made ground around runners entering the first turn and was pushed outwards as BIG TIME REHAN pushed through on her inner She raced extremely wide into and along the back straight losing ground ..
BIG TIME BANGER (8) - attempted to angle across racing around the first turn and was pushed wide, soon after he checked off BIG TIME DIOR and lost a couple of lengths. he ran onto heels entering the far bend when looking to improve
Race 3 WWW.RACINGTIPS.CO.NZ C3 - C3 - 305 KAY'S LAST (1) - forced to check outwards onto GO GREAT entering the bend as runners came back.
GO GREAT (2) - crowded soon after the start and jostled for a few strides. He was severely tightened and crowded and checked as KAY'S LAST checked out onto his shoulder causing him to be severely tightened going back onto the hind of GOTCHA COOPER and faltered and fell at this point. He was referred to the vet and found to have lameness in right front leg and swelling to right elbow.
MIMI (3) - severely tightened and checked going back onto KAY'S LAST entering the bend.
GOTCHA COOPER (4) - in the run to the bend he was severely tightened and crowded for some strides and was dragged down entering the bend losing all chance thereafter and was referred to the vet and cleared of injury.
BIG TIME BEAT (5) - bumped and jostled for some strides in the run towards the bend running onto heels and becoming unbalanced losing all chance. Referred to the vet and was found to have pain right side triceps and pain left side whip muscle. A 21 day stand down was recommended.
ZARA CHEEBEE (6) - checked into the bend becoming unbalanced racing onto the top bend.
BAILEY AND CREAM (7) - bumped and ran wide into the bend.
ALLEGRO BRANDON (8) - fav- angled across into the bend causing checks to MIMI who went back onto KAY'S LAST .
Race 4 LANCE GREEN ACCOUNTANT C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 BIG TIME BABY (1) - led and drifted wider along the back straight losing some ground.
JILLIBY LITSA (2) - fav- crowded in behind runners entering the first turn
BIG TIME MAPLE (3) - crowded between runners entering the first turn. She lost ground in the run to the far bend.
BIG TIME HARLEY (4) - forced to check out over heels in the run around the first turn.
Race 5 KERNOW CONSTRUCTION C3 Final - C3f - 305 BIG TIME SPOT (3) - fav- dwelt at the jump. Soon after she was was bumped and unbalanced then severely crowded between runners racing into the bend.
BIG TIME LEBRON (4) - checked and changed ground outwards racing off the mats as CRIMINAL JUSTICE angled across his line. He came together with OPAWA BUD and was tightened between her and HYPOTHETICAL entering the bend losing ground.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE (5) - angled across the face of BIG TIME LEBRON racing from the start.
OPAWA BUD (6) - checked soon after the start when coming together with BIG TIME LEBRON and checked as HYPOTHETICAL angled in across his face. Came together and tightened with BIG TIME LEBRON entering the bend and was hampered when clearing heels.
HYPOTHETICAL (7) - soon after the start he angled hard inwards checking OPAWA BUD and BIG TIME LEBRON. Tightened and jostled with BIG TIME LEBRON entering the bend .
Race 6 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C4 - C4 - 520 KONGS OUT AGAIN (1) - began awkwardly for a stride or so. Racing handy on the inner entering the first turn when contacting the hind of BIG TIME VEGAS going back onto BIG TIME ELSA with BIG TIME JIMMY running into her hind causing her to stumble badly resulting in following runner BIG TIME IZZY hurdling over her. .She lost all chance and was referred to the vet and found to have superficial grazes to left and right hind knuckles with a 5 day stand down.
CLASSIC RAPPER (2) - slow away. He was bumped and jostled for some strides in the run to the first turn. Held up for some strides in the run to the back straight and was forced to check back off heels losing ground. Referred to the vet and found to have a laceration to the right front pad requiring a 16 day stand down.
BIG TIME ELSA (5) - tightened back from between runners entering the first turn and soon after was tightened onto heels checking losing momentum and ground.
BIG TIME IZZY (7) - settled back from the jump, racing into the first turn she was forced to hurdle stumbling runner that came back on her. She recovered her balance losing all chance. Referred to the vet and cleared of injury.
BIG TIME JIMMY (8) - racing handy into the first turn when catching the hind of KONG'S OUT AGAIN stumbling badly losing all chance. Referred to the vet and cleared of injury.
Race 7 LASER PLUMBING C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 BIGTIME ZIGGY (1) - attempted to angle outwards in the run to the bend and was pushed back inwards going sideways and fell as a result of runners running into her. She recovered to her paws to finish onto the lure and was referred to the vet and was found to be clear of injuries with a 5 day stand as per the race fall policy.
BIG TIME FROSTY (2) - awkward for a stride or so coming off the mats. Settled back then angled outwards and ran onto severe interference and fell entering the bend. She did not complete the race and was referred to the vet where she was found to have sustained a fracture to the right tibia and was Humanely euthanized due to the severity of the fracture.
SIDELINE SALLY (5) - severely tightened and crowded entering the bend running into BIGTIME ZIGGY and fell to the track .She recovered to her paws to finish onto the lure and was referred to the vet she was found to have suffered superficial grazing with a 5 day stand down recommended.
BIG TIME FUZZ (7) - vying for the lead into the bend when checked as and fell as PINA COLADA crossed his line. She recovered to her paws to finish onto the lure and was referred to the vet .She was found to be clear of injury with a 5 stand down as per the race fall policy.
Race 8 ACCELL "LEADING THE WAY IN CANINE THERAPY" C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 BIGTIME LEO (1) - hampered when tightened and jostled for a couple of strides entering the bend.
ALLEGRO SMOOCH (2) - checked racing off the mats as BIG TIME JEWEL angled across her face. She then angled out across heels to race widest into the bend.
BIG TIME JEWEL (3) - angled across the face of ALLEGRO SMOOCH racing off the mats. In the run towards the bend she was tightened and jostled between runners for some strides. losing ground.
WATERLOO PINK (5) - severely tightened and checked entering the bend being forced back from between runners.
SEDGEBROOK SALLY (6) - racing to the bend she was dictated and tightened inwards onto WATERLOO PINK and in onto BIG TIME JEWEL as they entered the bend.
TRUTH HURTS (7) - angled across onto the shoulder of SEDGEBROOK SALLY in the run to the bend , was then checked as BIG TIME NALA angled in across her line tightening her in onto inner runners. She became awkwardly placed for a few strides in the run onto the top bend.
BIG TIME NALA (8) - angled across into the bend causing severe tightening to several runners to her inner.
Race 9 WWW.RACINGTIPS.CO.NZ C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 DAPPER RAPPER (1) - came back off heels in the run to the first turn.
BIG TIME SETH (5) - checked back from between runners entering the first turn. Lost ground in the run onto the top bend.
Race 10 LANCE GREEN ACCOUNTANT C2 - C2 - 305 WIFI ROBYN (4) - came together with SO SEVERE for some strides in the run into the bend. She angled wide on the home turn racing widest to the line.
SO SEVERE (5) - came together with WIFI ROBYN for some strides in the run into the bend and became awkwardly placed for a few strides. Racing onto the top bend he ran onto heels and checked losing momentum and some ground.
JOHNY MOWHAWK (8) - angled across into the bend and was checked as ELSA BLUEBLOOD angled in across his line. He lost some momentum as he ran wide for several strides.
Race 11 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C2 - C2 - 305 BIG TIME QUINN (1) - fav- angled off the rail soon after the start coming out onto TIGER CHURN and ESTER. BIG TIME QUINN and ESTER tightened both runners jostled for some strides.. BIG TIME QUINN was then hampered when pushed sideways as ALLEGRO KYLE angled to the rail resulting in BIG TIME QUINN going back onto HARDCORE JET.
HARDCORE JET (2) - became awkwardly placed and tightened entering the bend contacting the rail losing momentum and ground. Referred to the vet and was cleared of injury.
TIGER CHURN (3) - in the run towards the bend he was severely hampered as ESTER angled inwards and BIG TIME QUINN came out off the inner causing TIGER CHURN to be forced back from between runners losing momentum and ground.
ESTER (4) - in the run towards the bend she angled inwards onto TIGER CHURN coming together and jostling with BIG TIME QUINN.
TRUE TESTAMENT (6) - contact at the start as ALLEGRO KYLE jumped into his line.
ALLEGRO KYLE (7) - jumped in onto TRUE TESTAMENT racing off the mats.
Race 12 BOOK YOUR FUNCTION @ HATRICK C2 - C2 - 305 BIGTIME STELLA (1) - hampered when tightened and checked back off heels in the run into the bend losing ground.
CHIC IN TIME (2) - bumped and jostled for some strides in the run to the bend then tightened losing ground .
OPAWA JODY (3) - tightened and checked being tightened and checked back towards the rear. Angled out across heels dictating the line of HOMEBUSH YURI in the run onto the top bend.
CITIZEN AGUERO (4) - in the run to the bend he was dictated inwards onto OPAWA JODY and checked on entering the bend becoming awkwardly placed for a few strides.
KIOSK (5) - angled across in the run towards the bend dictating runners to his inner to tighten and check losing momentum entering the bend.
BIG TIME JUDA (6) - angled inwards into the bend making slight contact with LIGHT CRUISER for a stride or so .
HOMEBUSH YURI (7) - slow into stride. Improving out wide towards the bend and was dictated wider into the bend as OPAWA JODY came out over heels on her inner.
LIGHT CRUISER (8) - improving wide towards the bend and was unbalanced for a stride or so when making slight contact with BIG TIME JUDA.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 2 ACCELL "LEADING THE WAY IN CANINE THERAPY" C1 - C1 - 520 Big Time Mason Rule 40.13 from 12 Jul 2021 to 21 Jul 2021

Race 3 WWW.RACINGTIPS.CO.NZ C3 - C3 - 305 Big Time Beat Rule 56.1 from 08 Jul 2021 to 28 Jul 2021

Go Great Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 05 Aug 2021

Race 4 LANCE GREEN ACCOUNTANT C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 Bigtime Cooper Rule 40.13 from 12 Jul 2021 to 18 Jul 2021

Big Time Rebel Rule 40.15 from 08 Jul 2021 to 04 Aug 2021

Race 6 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C4 - C4 - 520 Big Time Mac Rule 40.13 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021

Kongs Out Again Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021

Classic Rapper Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 24 Jul 2021

Race 7 LASER PLUMBING C4/5 - C4/5 - 305 Big Time Fairy Rule 40.13 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021

Sideline Sally Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021

Big Time Fuzz Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021

Bigtime Ziggy Rule 56.1 from 09 Jul 2021 to 13 Jul 2021


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 2 ACCELL "LEADING THE WAY IN CANINE THERAPY" C1 - C1 - 520 Waiting Game Swab No: post race- urine

Race 3 WWW.RACINGTIPS.CO.NZ C3 - C3 - 305 Allegro Brandon Swab No: post race- urine

Race 4 LANCE GREEN ACCOUNTANT C4/5 - C4/5 - 520 Big Time Baby Swab No: post race- urine

Race 5 KERNOW CONSTRUCTION C3 Final - C3f - 305 Criminal Justice Swab No: post race- urine

Race 9 WWW.RACINGTIPS.CO.NZ C2/3 - C2/3 - 520 Big Time Panda Swab No: post race- urine

Race 11 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C2 - C2 - 305 Allegro Kyle Swab No: post race- urine

M Austin K Coppins vet Dr S MacKay

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 12 Jul 2021 at 12:23