Stipendiary Stewards Report

Palmerston North Greyhound Racing Club

Manawatu Raceway ON FRIDAY 26 Nov 2021

Weather: Cloudy
Track: Good
Scales: Correct at checked weights.
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: Special Report:

This meeting was run under Level 2 Government restrictions and Greyhound Racing New Zealand Work Safe Covid-19 protocols.

Late Scratchings:

1) THREE SHIRT DAY (L Cole) - race 1 at kenneling.
2) BIG TIME SMILE (L Cole) - race 11 at kenneling.
3) TALBINGO BALE (C Roberts) - race 1 due to transport difficulties.
4) BAHATI BALE (C Roberts) - race 1 due to transport difficulties.
5) MACCY'S GIRL (C Roberts) - race 10 at kenneling in season.


1) C Roberts (DELISHA BALE) - for failing to present this Greyhound for kenneling by the required time - $50.

Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 C3 - C3 - 457 JUST LIKE LUCY (2) - moved up the track through the back straight dictating MY KHLOE wider as a result. Jostled with MY KHLOE entering the bend. Coursed wide entering the home straight.
MY KHLOE (3) - boxed first. Dictated wide through the back straight. Jostled with JUST LIKE LUCY entering the bend. Contacted ALLEGRO GINNY on the point of the bend, becoming unbalanced and losing some ground. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
ALLEGRO GINNY (6) - began awkwardly bumping HIGHVIEW ANNA shortly after the start. Contacted HIGHVIEW ANNA from behind entering the bend. Contacted on the point of the bend..
HIGHVIEW ANNA (9/5) - bumped shortly after the start. Contacted from behind entering the bend. Appeared to contact the rail on the point of the bend losing ground. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
Race 2 720m WF Massey Memorial Distance Heat 1 - C2dq - 720 Heat 1 HAIRPIN TRIGGER (1) - tightened shortly after the start, losing some momentum. Tightened on the point of the first bend needing to move across heels to gain clear racing room. Clipped the heels of NIGHTHAWK WISH nearing the final bend, falling as a result. Regained her feet and completed the event. Referred to the veterinarian and stood down as per the fallen runner protocol. A 10 day stand down period was recommended.
NIGHTHAWK WISH (2) - tightened HAIRPIN TRIGGER shortly after the start. Tightened HAIRPIN TRIGGER on the point of the first bend. Had her heels clipped nearing the final bend, becoming slightly unbalanced as a result.
GOLDSTAR TRUMAN (4) - slow away.
HE'S ALI (8) - slow away. Raced wide for the majority of the event.
Race 3 720m WF Massey Memorial Distance Heat 2 - C2dq - 720 Heat 2 ELLIAS BALE (4) - moved up the track shortly after the start dictating STUDENT LOAN and THRILLING AMELIA wider as a result. Raced wide through the back and home straights.
STUDENT LOAN (6) - dictated up the track shortly after the start, then contacted THRILLING AMELIA nearing the first bend. Raced below market expectations and referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
THRILLING AMELIA (8) - dictated up the track shortly after the start, then contacted nearing the first bend appearing slightly awkward in her action before faltering nearing the back straight and finishing some distance behind the field Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury. Trainer K Walsh has advised that she will notify Stewards of any issues that may arise in the coming days.
Race 4 Big Barrel Palmerston North C4/C5 - C4/5 - 457 BROKE BRAD (1) - began awkwardly. Tightened shortly after the start needing to move across heels, squeezing runners to his outside. Contacted entering the bend.
BIG TIME MAPLE (2) - bumped at the start. Squeezed between runners shortly after the start.
BIG TIME BABY (3) - bumped BIG TIME MAPLE at the start. Squeezed between runners shortly after the start, then moved up the track bumping ALLEGRO PIPPA. Raced wide through the bend and home straight.
MR FARENHEIT (4) - bumped DAPPER RAPPER shortly after the start, then bumped and squeezed between runners, losing ground. Coursed wide entering the home straight.
DAPPER RAPPER (6) - bumped shortly after the start. Raced wide through the back straight and bend.
ALLEGRO PIPPA (7) - squeezed runners to her inside shortly after the start, then bumped.
JILLIBY JAC (8) - contacted BROKE BRAD entering the bend.
Race 5 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 1 - C5q - 457 Heat 1 BIG TIME PLUTO (1) - crowded nearing the bend moving across heels to gain clear racing room, bumping MUSTANG CHARLIE in the process. Slight contact from behind on the point of the bend. Raced wide through the bend.
OSTER BALE (2) - bumped MUSTANG CHARLIE shortly after the start.
ROCK ON JOHN (3) - crowded BIG TIME PLUTO nearing the bend when crossing to the rail. Contacted on the point of the bend.
MUSTANG CHARLIE (5) - slow away. Bumped shortly after the start, and again nearing the bend.
BIG TIME BRIE (6) - raced wide through the back straight. Contacted ROCK ON JOHN on the point of the bend, losing some momentum. Contacted GOLDSTAR LINDA from behind entering the home straight, then coursed wide dictating the running line of GOLDSTAR LINDA through the home straight.
GOLDSTAR TANNER (7) - raced wide through the bend and early stages of the home straight. Contacted BIG TIME PLUTO from behind on the point of the bend.
GOLDSTAR LINDA (8) - contacted from behind entering the home straight, then had running line dictated and obliged to race wide through the home straight.
Race 6 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 2 - C5q - 457 Heat 2 QUINCY BALE (1) - began awkwardly, then bumped. Buffeted by ENTREE ONLY through the back straight. Tightened entering the bend.
ENTREE ONLY (2) - bumped QUINCY BALE at the start. Buffeted QUINCY BALE through the back straight. Contacted GOLDSTAR MAUNEY nearing the bend. Tightened entering the bend, losing ground. Coursed wide entering the home straight. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
MONEY SPINNER (4) - became crowded, then tightened QUINCY BALE entering the bend.
GOLDSTAR MAUNEY (5) - began awkwardly. Contacted nearing the bend.
IT'S A BLAZE (7) - crowded MONEY SPINNER entering the bend.
BIG TIME PANDA (8) - began awkwardly.
Race 7 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 3 - C5q - 457 Heat 3 DALISHA BALE (1) - slow away. Moved up the track through the back straight. Inconvenienced entering the bend becoming unbalanced. Bumped BIG TIME RIPPER on the point of the bend. Tightened BIG TIME RIPPER nearing the home straight.
GOLDSTAR CLOVER (2) - went up with the lids settling at the rear of the field. Severely inconvenienced entering the bend, becoming unbalanced and contacting the rail, then heavily contacted CASH STACK. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
BIG TIME RIPPER (3) - tightened entering the bend losing ground and inconveniencing GOLDSTAR CLOVER. Tightened nearing the home straight.
BIG TIME KAYLEE (4) - coursed wide entering the home straight.
CASH STACK (5) - brushed DEMBE nearing the bend, then tightened, in turn tightening BIG TIME RIPPER. Heavily contacted entering the bend. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
DEMBE (6) - brushed CASH STACK nearing the bend. Tightened entering the bend, becoming unbalanced and losing momentum.
CUMBRIA LAD (8) - raced wide through the back straight. Tightened runners to his inside entering the bend.
OPAWA SUPERSTAR (9/7) - tightened entering the bend.
Race 8 410m Turbo Territory Dash Heat 1 - C5q - 410 Heat 1 SO EXCITED (1) - moved up the track shortly after the start bumping BIGTIME COOPER on a number of occasions through the back straight. Tightened entering the bend, losing momentum. Tightened on the point of the bend needing to move off heels to gain clear racing room. Raced wide through the home straight.
BIG TIME ANGEL (2) - raced wide through the home straight.
BIGTIME COOPER (3) - bumped on a number of occasions through the back straight, in turn squeezing BIG TIME JONIE and bumping BIG TIME PRADA. Tightened SO EXCITED entering the bend.
BIG TIME JONIE (4) - brushed BIG TIME PRADA at the start. Squeezed between runners shortly after the start. Raced in restricted room entering the bend, becoming slightly unbalanced and bumping DENUTO.
BIG TIME PRADA (5) - brushed BIG TIME JONIE at the start. Bumped shortly after the start.
CLAWS IN COBRA (6) - slow away. Awkwardly placed behind runners through the bend.
DENUTO (7) - slow away. Bumped entering the bend.
BIG TIME GWYN (8) - tightened SO EXCITED on the point of the bend.
Race 9 410m Turbo Territory Dash Heat 2 - C5q - 410 Heat 2 BEES AND BIRDS (2) - bumped TYPHOON TIM shortly after the start. Coursed wide through the bend.
NEVADA PHIL (3) - began awkwardly. Dictated towards the rail nearing the bend, then tightened entering the bend losing ground. Coursed wide through the bend.
TYPHOON TIM (4) - bumped shortly after the start.
POWER BOOM (5) - began awkwardly. Dictated NEVADA PHIL towards the rail nearing the bend, then tightened that runner entering the bend. Raced wide through the early stages of the home straight.
ALLEGRO SMOOCH (6) - contacted from behind nearing the bend.
BIG TIME VERSACE (7) - contacted ALLEGRO SMOOCH from behind nearing the bend.
Race 10 Outback Trading Company C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 BIG TIME LEBRON (1) - jostled with SO LIKE ME for a distance through the back straight, losing ground in the process and out of contention thereafter.
SO LIKE ME (2) - boxed first. Bumped shortly after the start. Jostled with BIG TIME LEBRON for a distance through the back straight, losing ground in the process and out of contention thereafter.
THRILLING MAPLE (3) - bumped SO LIKE ME shortly after the start.
BIG TIME REBEL (5) - coursed wide entering the home straight, buffeting LIFE IS GOOD and dictating that runner wider.
ROYAL RACCOON (6) - boxed first. Slow away. Moved up the track nearing the bend.
LIFE IS GOOD (7) - buffeted by BIG TIME REBEL and dictated wider entering the home straight.
Race 11 PNGRC Sectional Times @ C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 NUTTY NUTS (1) - began very awkwardly, settling at the rear of the field.
PAVING WAY (2) - buffeted and dictated toward the rail shortly after the start. Jostled with SEDGEBROOK SALLY nearing the bend when attempting to race wider. Raced wide for the majority of the event.
SEDGEBROOK SALLY (3) - tightened at the start. Jostled with PAVING WAY nearing the bend.
BIGTIME LEO (4) - angled across the field at the start tightening SEDGEBROOK SALLY and dictating PAVING WAY inwards.
TRUTH HURTS (5) - terminally checked entering the bend, losing ground and appearing awkward in her action thereafter. Referred to the veterinarian and cleared of injury.
WATERLOO PINK (6) - checked TRUTH HURTS entering the bend. Raced wide through the home straight.
Race 12 Total Bodyshop Supplies C3 - C3 - 410 WIFI ROBYN (2) - contacted and slightly unbalanced shortly after the start. Bumped entering the bend. Crowded nearing the home straight, losing ground as a result. Raced wide through the home straight.
HIGHVIEW TIGGER (3) - dictated inwards shortly after the start. Contacted BIG TIME GIGI nearing the bend. Raced in restricted room nearing the home straight needing to move up the track to gain clear racing room, bumping CRIMINAL JUSTICE in the process.
BIG TIME GIGI (4) - squeezed at the start, then dictated HIGHVIEW TIGGER inwards shortly after the start. Contacted nearing the bend.
BIG TIME YONKERS (5) - dictated inwards at the start, squeezing BIG TIME GIGI.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE (6) - angled inwards at the start dictating BIG TIME YONKERS inwards. Bumped WIFI ROBYN entering the bend. Bumped nearing the home straight and forced to raced wider as a result.
TUFF ADMIRAL (8) - slow away. Raced wide at various stages.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 C3 - C3 - 457 Three Shirt Day Rule 44.20 from 26 Nov 2021 to 02 Dec 2021

Race 2 720m WF Massey Memorial Distance Heat 1 - C2dq - 720 Heat 1 Hairpin Trigger Rule 56.1 from 26 Nov 2021 to 05 Dec 2021

Race 7 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 3 - C5q - 457 Heat 3 Rhodes Worthy Rule 40.13 from 26 Nov 2021 to 02 Dec 2021

Race 10 Outback Trading Company C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 Maccy's Girl Rule 44.19 from 26 Nov 2021 to 23 Dec 2021

Race 11 PNGRC Sectional Times @ C3/C4 - C3/4 - 410 Big Time Smile Rule 44.20 from 26 Nov 2021 to 09 Dec 2021

Opawa Dawn Rule 40.13 from 26 Nov 2021 to 05 Dec 2021


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 2 720m WF Massey Memorial Distance Heat 1 - C2dq - 720 Heat 1 He's Ali Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 3 720m WF Massey Memorial Distance Heat 2 - C2dq - 720 Heat 2 Fine Intention Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 5 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 1 - C5q - 457 Heat 1 Mustang Charlie Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 6 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 2 - C5q - 457 Heat 2 Big Time Stunner Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 7 457m Wind Power Stakes Heat 3 - C5q - 457 Heat 3 Opawa Superstar Swab No: pre-race urine.

Cumbria Lad Swab No: post race - urine.

Race 8 410m Turbo Territory Dash Heat 1 - C5q - 410 Heat 1 Bigtime Cooper Swab No: pre-race urine.

Race 9 410m Turbo Territory Dash Heat 2 - C5q - 410 Heat 2 Bigtime Brody Swab No: post race - urine.

Nevada Phil Swab No: pre-race urine.

Mr K Coppins Miss A Palmer. OTV: Dr K McDermott BV

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 26 Nov 2021 at 20:20