Stipendiary Stewards Report

Southland Greyhound Racing Club

Ascot Park Raceway ON WEDNESDAY 05 Jun 2024

Weather: Fine
Track: Good 4
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: On Track Veterinarian: Dr M Chu BVSc

Stipendiary Stewards report is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 welcome - C0 - 390 RUNAWAY ME (8) - fell into bend. Referred to the Veterinarian and cleared of injury. Stood down for the mandatory 5 days as per GRNZ Rule LR41A(1).
Race 2 Happy Birthday Georgina Hamilton - C1 - 390
Race 3 Find Us On Twitter@SGRCINFO - C1 - 457 COOLING MY JETS (2) - referred to the Veterinarian and reported to be lethargic following the race with a 10 day incapacitation issued.
GOING CONCERN (4) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and cleared of injury.
Race 4 Southland & Otago Photo Finish - C2 - 390
Race 5 Oreti Beach Run - C1 - 457 HOMEBUSH ESTHER (7) - referred to the Veterinarian when found to have a superficial cut to a leg and cleared of injury.
Race 6 Mr Whippy Southland - C1 - 390
Race 7 Top Class Run - C5 - 457 GOLDSTAR MOSTERT (2) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and cleared of injury.
Race 8 Top Class Dash - C5 - 390 CATERPIE BALE (2) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and reported to have left triceps soreness with a 5 day incapacitation issued.
GOLDSTAR KODA (3) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and cleared of injury.
Race 9 Dave Robbie Photographer - C2 - 390 STELLA DEL SUD (7) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when checked on the bend and reported to have right biceps soreness with a 5 day incapacitation issued.
Race 10 Added Energy Stakes - C2/3 - 457 GOLDSTAR PHOENIX (6) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and cleared of injury.
MITCHAM VIOLET (7) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground when dragged down into the bend and cleared of injury.
Race 11 Gore Town & Country Club - C3 - 390 HOMEBUSH GRACEN (7) - referred to the Veterinarian after dropping away in the home straight and cleared of injury. Performance noted.
Race 12 Racing Again 12 June - C3 - 390


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 welcome - C0 - 390 Runaway Me Rule LR41A(1) from 05 Jun 2024 to 09 Jun 2024

Race 3 Find Us On Twitter@SGRCINFO - C1 - 457 Cooling My Jets Rule 41(2) from 05 Jun 2024 to 14 Jun 2024

Race 4 Southland & Otago Photo Finish - C2 - 390 Impressive Roar Rule 76(4) from 04 Jun 2024 to 13 Jun 2024

Race 5 Oreti Beach Run - C1 - 457 King Kobori Rule 76(4) from 04 Jun 2024 to 13 Jun 2024

Race 7 Top Class Run - C5 - 457 Mitcham Tim Rule 76(4) from 04 Jun 2024 to 13 Jun 2024

Race 8 Top Class Dash - C5 - 390 Caterpie Bale Rule 41(1) from 05 Jun 2024 to 09 Jun 2024

Race 9 Dave Robbie Photographer - C2 - 390 Stella del Sud Rule 41(1) from 05 Jun 2024 to 09 Jun 2024

Race 10 Added Energy Stakes - C2/3 - 457 Goldstar Whippy Rule 76(4) from 03 Jun 2024 to 12 Jun 2024


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 2 Happy Birthday Georgina Hamilton - C1 - 390 Pukeko Dot Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 4 Southland & Otago Photo Finish - C2 - 390 Clear Passage Swab No: Pre race - Urine

Race 5 Oreti Beach Run - C1 - 457 Homebush Esther Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 6 Mr Whippy Southland - C1 - 390 Side Eye Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 8 Top Class Dash - C5 - 390 Homebush Alana Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 9 Dave Robbie Photographer - C2 - 390 Stella del Sud Swab No: Pre race - Urine

Race 10 Added Energy Stakes - C2/3 - 457 Whimsical Boy Swab No: Pre race - Urine

Race 11 Gore Town & Country Club - C3 - 390 Uri Bale Swab No: Pre race - Urine

Race 12 Racing Again 12 June - C3 - 390 Buster's Brother Swab No: Post race - Urine

Goldstar Remi Swab No: Pre race - Urine

Mr R Quirk and Mr V Munro

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 05 Jun 2024 at 17:07