Stipendiary Stewards Report

Christchurch Greyhound Racing Club

Addington Raceway ON THURSDAY 22 Aug 2024

Weather: Fine
Track: Good 5
Scales: Correct at checked weights
Health and Safety comment:

Judicial report: On Track Veterinarian: Dr E Reedy BVSc


1). The Stewards discussed with the lure driver the method in which the lure was pulled up for the greyhounds following race 8. Upon considering the explanation provided, the matter was not pursued any further, except to advise that an improved manner in pulling the lure up would be anticipated in future. In regard to the lure issues displayed resulting in the false start of race 10, Stewards will address these in the coming days.

2). The meeting was put back by one race due to a false start in race 10, resulting from mechanical issues with the lure.

Safe Return to Racing Trials:

1). HOMEBUSH FUSION (J McInerney Jnr)

2). HOMEBUSH ALEC (J McInerney Jnr)

3). HOMEBUSH MUFFIN (J McInerney Jnr)

4). HOMEBUSH ZOE (J McInerney Jnr)

5). HOMEBUSH FOX (B McInerney)

6). HOMEBUSH ASAHI (J McInerney Jnr)

7). HOMEBUSH JELLY (J McInerney Jnr)

8). IMPRESSIVE ROAR (J McInerney Jnr)

9). MITCHAM RICK (J McInerney Jnr)

10). MITCHAM SCOTT (J McInerney Jnr)

Stand Downs Cancelled:

1). FIGUED IT OUT (J McInerney Jnr) - Under GRNZ Rule 77.5

2). HOMEBUSH SOCKS (J McInerney Jnr) - Under GRNZ Rule 77.5

3). HOMEBUSH SNOW (J McInerney Jnr) - Under GRNZ Rule 77.5

Late Scratching's:

1). SMASH IMPULSE (M Grant) - Race 2

2). GOLDSTAR KODA (R Evans) - Race 2

3). SHANE BAXTER (J McInerney Jnr) - Race 10


1). R Evans - ineligible nomination of GOLDSTAR DUFFY.

Stipendiary Stewards report as posted is provisional and subject to further review and amendment.

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 The Fitz 2 Sports Bar Stakes - C3 - 525
Race 2 Dave Robbie Photographer Dash - C4 - 295 SMASH IMPULSE(8) - was a late scratching when presenting with diarrhea this morning. GOLDSTAR KODA(2) - was a late scratching when presenting with a laceration to its head which had not sufficiently healed.
Race 3 Happy Birthday Jo Hardie Dash - C5 - 295
Race 4 Active Electrical Christchurch Stakes - C4/5 - 525
Race 5 Springston Hotel Dash - C3 - 295
Race 6 Steve Anngow Drapes & Blinds Ph.0272719588 Dash - C3 - 295 HOMEBUSH LEROY (9/2) - referred to the Veterinarian after losing ground with the field where it was reported to have soreness to its left sesamoid with a 7-day incapacitation issued.
Race 7 Selwyn-Rakaia Vet Services Stakes - C5 - 525
Race 8 2024 Canterbury Laurels Final - R/Af - 525
Race 9 2024 Garden City Classic Final - R/Af - 525 BAKER DAN (3) - referred to the Veterinarian after sustaining a check entering the first bend before losing ground thereafter where it was reported to have a mild reaction on right shoulder flexion and also reacting when both lateral dorsal hocks were palpated with a 10-day incapacitation issued.
Race 10 Happy Birthday Jim Smith Sprint - C5 - 295 1). This race faced an initial delay due to the lure activating prematurely before the greyhounds had been loaded into the boxes. The event was then further delayed, resulting in the schedule being pushed back by one race due to a false start, which occurred when the lure, upon activation, travelled in the opposite direction to the boxes. All greyhounds were returned to the kennel block and subjected to a veterinarian examination. 2). SHANE BAXTER(1) - was declared a late scratching after the false start at the request of connections. 3). The lure was tested to the satisfaction of the on-course electrician and lure driver prior to the re-start.
TABETHA JEWEL (2) - referred to the Veterinarian after a fall at the lure and cleared of injury.
Race 11 The HomeKill Guys Ltd Dash - C4 - 295
Race 12 Rose & Thistle Sprint - C4 - 295


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 2 Dave Robbie Photographer Dash - C4 - 295 Smash Impulse Rule 76(2) from 22 Aug 2024 to 31 Aug 2024

Goldstar Koda Rule 92(2) from 22 Aug 2024 to 24 Aug 2024

Race 6 Steve Anngow Drapes & Blinds Ph.0272719588 Dash - C3 - 295 Culvie Bun Rule 76(4) from 21 Aug 2024 to 30 Aug 2024

Homebush Leroy Rule 41(1) from 22 Aug 2024 to 28 Aug 2024

Race 9 2024 Garden City Classic Final - R/Af - 525 Baker Dan Rule 41(1) from 22 Aug 2024 to 31 Aug 2024

Race 10 Happy Birthday Jim Smith Sprint - C5 - 295 Shane Baxter Rule 19(4)(b) from 22 Aug 2024 to 22 Aug 2024

Race 11 The HomeKill Guys Ltd Dash - C4 - 295 Smash Ready Rule 25(6) from 22 Aug 2024 to 22 Aug 2024

Amanda Obdam Rule 76(4) from 21 Aug 2024 to 30 Aug 2024

Homebush Suzie Rule 76(4) from 21 Aug 2024 to 30 Aug 2024


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 1 The Fitz 2 Sports Bar Stakes - C3 - 525 Diamond Felon Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Blake Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 2 Dave Robbie Photographer Dash - C4 - 295 Karen Jewel Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 3 Happy Birthday Jo Hardie Dash - C5 - 295 Brown Sugar Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 7 Selwyn-Rakaia Vet Services Stakes - C5 - 525 Caterpie Bale Swab No: Post race - Urine

Race 8 2024 Canterbury Laurels Final - R/Af - 525 Opawa Shirley Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Race 9 2024 Garden City Classic Final - R/Af - 525 Let Him Cook Swab No: Pre Race - Urine

Jay Walker Swab No: Post race - Urine

Mr S Wallis, Mrs K Carston & Ms E de Rybel

Stipendiary Stewards

Last updated 22 Aug 2024 at 22:24